135 Breaching the Foundations of the Earth 6 (1/2)

The Eternal Sanctum Yun_Yin 41620K 2022-07-23

The instant An Fei's consciousness resurfaced from its unusual slumber, a dull headache slammed directly onto the young girl's mind.

The young girl squeezed her eyes in agony, her hands reaching upwards to tenderly massage her temples.

Her head felt as if it were on the verge of splitting apart, and a faint metallic and raucous odor drifted into her nose, causing her eyes to water in pain.

The combination of the strange but perplexing odor and the piercing headache forced the young girl to rouse from her daze, her body lurching forwards to escape the miserable situation.

When An Fei surmised that her position was no longer unstable, she removed her hands from her temples and opened her eyes.

As she hoped, she was in the Sanctum, nestled deeply within the comfortable blankets of the boudoir.

The sheen of dull mirrors waved towards her countenance from numerous angles, faintly obscured by the thin drooping bedcurtains.

She… was in the Sanctum, but perhaps not in the right circumstance.

The bedsheets seemed to have… taken on an unusual filament of scarlet dye on its surface.

The comfortable fabric had congealed and dried to each other, and the uncomfortable odor struck An Fei's nose for the second time.

A faint, metallic odor with the tinge of rust and humid, and slightly… rancid, almost with a fishy tinge.

The young girl raised her hands to cover her mouth, her dazzling countenance displaying a horrified expression.

”…blood…” An Fei whispered, her gaze roaming throughout the blood-soaked bedsheets with a flinching gaze.

”There's too much blood… what happened while I was in that dream?”

The blankets were thoroughly soaked with dense blood, the scarlet hue imbued directly into the threads of the fabric.

When An Fei explored the now-soiled sheets with probatory fingers, the young girl could feel some moist, cool, and fleshy material hidden among the sheets.


The young girl screeched in terror, leaping directly out of the bed to fall onto the crystalline ground. An Fei unsteadily rose to her feet, only to have her expression morph once again.

Her body… didn't seem to feel quite right.

When she hurriedly checked for her reflection in a nearby mirror, the young girl discovered that her stature and appearance had not changed since her mysterious dream of the infinite void.

Her countenance retained its feeble appearance, delicate and tender to the tolerable limits of flesh.

She was still the young girl whose countenance could terrify even herself. It was just that… An Fei felt that her body was different.

Just yesterday, her body did not possess an exuberant vitality that surged through her blood vessels, energizing her by numerous folds.

Just from her leap, An Fei had noticed that her physique had improved by a massive margin, a realm unattainable by her constantly repeated exercise routines.

Her strength, speed, and physical ability… all seemed to have exceeded the tolerable limits of a human being. With each breath, a refreshing surge swept through her meridians, cleansing her turbid consciousness and allowing her agitated heart to regain its breath.

”What's… going on?” the young girl stared at her hands, her lips pursed in thought.

”The bedsheets are soaked with blood… and my physique improved by such a margin?”

The young girl's mouth hung slightly open as her gaze twisted and turned around the boudoir, observing her surroundings with a tinge of suspicion.

Other than the catastrophic disaster on the surface of the bed, the bedchamber truly had not changed a single bit.

The mirrors were in the right orientations and positions, and the linen coat hung from the back end of a chair, causally tossed onto the piece of furniture as though a dead rag.

Without any other choice, An Fei slumped into the chair, resting her back against the linen coat as she tapped her chin.

The young girl closed her eyes, attempting to visualize the faithful mental projection of her body.

Her consciousness groaned as it conjured a realistic depiction of the bones, tissue, fluids, and internal components of her body, assembling them one component at a time.

Faint threads of spiritual essence assisted her mind in exerting to establish the visualization of the internal structure of her physique, accentuating the visual clarity and focus many times over.

The young girl dove deep into her sea of perception, her consciousness reviewing each region of her body with great detail and interest.

The heart, brain, inner organs, and even the tiny glands failed to escape her notice, placed under divine scrutiny in the form of a piercing glare.


Sure enough, the mental visualization of her body immediately presented to An Fei the crux of her dilemma.