131 Breaching the Foundations of the Earth 2 (1/2)

The Eternal Sanctum Yun_Yin 36290K 2022-07-23

”Lord Minister…”

An uneasy voice trailed into Wei Xuan's ears, filled with a tinge of bitter worry and anxiety. The minister set aside his scroll onto the drawing table, before walking towards the entrance of the study.

The First Madam stood before the double wooden doors, dressed in a plain purple lily robe.

The woman clenched her hands in the folds of her dress, her delicate lips clearly displaying the aftermath of suppressed worry.

”Miaolan…?” Wei Xuan reached forward to caress Sheng Miaolan's cheek in surprise.

”What caused you to worry so much? Quick, come in and tell me about everything, ah?”

The First Madam shook her head as she grasped the proffered hand with trembling fingers.

Stepping into the safe boundary of the study, the woman couldn't help but tremble as she gazed at the minister with teary eyes.

”Lord Minister… this one has had horrifying dreams each night…” Sheng Miaolan pursed her lip, her attractive countenance displaying the inclinations of sorrow.


”Yes, dreams… though it would be more apt to label them as nightmares… Lord Minister, this one has dreamed each night that Fei'er was crying to us in agony, displaying numerous, horrifying wounds.”


Wei Xuan took a step back in surprise, his eyes involuntarily widening in surprise.

A moment later, the minister reached forward with both hands to firmly grasp Sheng Miaolan by her shoulders, a stern gleam emanating from his gaze.

”Miaolan, you must not joke with Fei'er's life,” Wei Xuan scowled with a dark expression.

”Fei'er has the empress protecting her life, how can she encounter any harm? Miaolan, you must take a deep breath, and not speak of these matters again.”

”This one knows,” the First Madam nodded with a pitiful countenance, her hand grasping her bosom as she gazed towards the minister with a plea suffused within her eyes.

”Fei'er is Sister Shuyan's daughter, that this one is fully aware. However, since we… toured the streets of Jiang'an, I've… I've considered her as my child as well – Lord Minister, this one is just worried, ah! Worried that the poor child will come into harm, having been separated from her parents at such a young age!”

”Alright, don't start crying again,” the minister gently wiped away the tearstains on the woman's countenance.

”Be good, alright? Fei'er should be fine with the empress' protection, but let us hope that your nightmares remain as dreams.”

The First Madam nodded her head in quivering assent, her unadorned hair scattered across her shoulders and draped over her back in a messy state.

Wei Xuan took the woman by the hand, leading her towards the recesses of the study whilst closing the double doors with a push of his right palm.

What happened next, was of course, unspeakable yet easy to infer by a single glance.

As she climbed up the stairs of sky-blue crystal, the young girl couldn't help but nurse numerous questions in her heart.

How did she come in here in such a fashion?

Why did her leather bag and clothes follow along?

What was… going on?

The desire to seek resolution gnawed at An Fei's conscience, and caused her to reveal a rather unsightly scowl.

The young girl patted her chest to calm her rampant emotions, before surmounting the final step to stand before the throne.

When she had finally dared to direct her glance towards the sacred chair that she had spent numerous hours lounging upon, the young girl was unable to stop herself from jerking backwards in surprise.

Her eyes then narrowed as confusion and suspicion surged within the pair of scarlet irises, and An Fei took faltering steps towards the throne.

The number of books resting on either armrest had increased yet again.

From a single glance, she could recognize the enormous tome bound in black fabric, the . Similarly, on the left armest, a book bound in black leather serenely gazed towards the dim sky, the blank cover revealing a dull aura.