86 Eldest Brother, Its Been Hard on You! 4 (1/2)

The Eternal Sanctum Yun_Yin 41050K 2022-07-23

Unexpectedly, the Eldest Young Master soon found himself another guest. Unfortunate for the newcomer, Wei Chang Feng was trapped in a daze as he stared out of the dark pavilion in effort of finding the young girl who had spoken those startling words.

Who would be left for you to protect? If he enacted on his beliefs to the end, who would be alive to witness and partake in his achieved goal?

For the first time since a long time ago, the cold youth found himself in a dilemma. Since the day he had begun the arduous path of cultivation and sworn that oath, Wei Chang Feng now stared at an indomitable brick wall barring his consciousness.

The wall of bricks was remarkably fragile in appearance compared to the sights that the youth had seen. It was nothing more than a haphazard stack of roughly cut clay bricks, something easily demolished by a cultivator of such prowess as Wei Chang Feng, yet it stood strong regardless of his efforts.

He could not break it down, nor could he skirt around its barrier to bypass the wall. All the youth could do was to stare at the wall in utter hopelessness, waiting for the structure to crumble on its own.

When he strengthened his resolve, the fortification of the mental barrier rose in response. When plagued by doubts, the structure weakened by a margin, but refused to vanish or disintegrate regardless of his efforts.

The cold youth… couldn't help but mire in perplexed thoughts.

Since he had assimilated the first breath of nature into his bloodstream, igniting his journey as a cultivator, Wei Chang Feng had pledged to himself before his master. His soul was the witness to such claim, the youth having gone to the extent of initiating a blood-swearing oath to bind himself to his decree.

To protect his family and halt incoming calamities, he would enact all methods. Regardless of the ethical or moral questions, the youth vowed to execute all viable possibilities to eradicate any hope for disaster.

If he had to kill his siblings like he had attempted to assassinate An Fei numerous times, Wei Chang Feng could retain a clear conscience with the rationale of preventing a calamity for the Wei Family.

Servants were without question.

His father, Wei Xuan, and mother, Sheng Miaolan, Wei Chang Feng… was not certain. Nevertheless, the youth swore not to hinder himself from the necessary tasks burdening his soul.

…only, after such means, who would enjoy the dreamlike scenario he had envisioned at the start?

Would he himself be alive to even witness or propel such method's conclusion?

He… did not know.

He did not know what his callous dream would result in.

Startlingly, he neither wished to know or mention such a case again. Each attempt by the cold youth in questioning his resolve caused a glacial chill to strike through his core, making the youth feel like his blood was frozen, thawed, then forcefully thawed once again.

The wall of fragile bricks was no weaker than the strongest defensive treasure in existence and was akin to a thorn stabbed in his heart, directing a painful throb with each pulse. However, Wei Chang Feng discovered that if he didn't question his resolve or his oath, the indomitable wall served little impediment.

Regardless, it was downright irritating with the pulse of pain-

”Elder Brother!”

The sharp cry broke past Wei Chang Feng's thoughts and snapped him back to reality. Blinking his eyes twice, the cold youth found a worried young man waving a palm in his face, the mouth moving in indecipherable patterns as the cry repeated over and over.

”Elder Brother! Elder Brother, are you alright?”

”I'm perfectly fine,” the cold youth snapped back, his voice indifferent and curt.

”I'm awake, what advice does Second Little Brother desire?”

”Then everything's fine,” Wei Chang Luo released a relieved sigh, before sitting down next to the Eldest Young Master.

”You didn't respond for several moments. I thought the lack of food and water addled your conscience…”

”...are you looking for a beating?”

”No! Eldest Brother is perfectly healthy, not addled in the head at all!” the young man shrieked, leaping away in fright. After a few moments, the Second Young Master slowly sat down once more, turning to face Wei Chang Feng with a solemn expression on his countenance.

”Elder Brother, why did you do that?”

The Eldest Young Master frowned at the ambiguous question, his mind preoccupied by the words uttered by the departing young girl. Fortunately, before Wei Chang Feng could reply, the Second Young Master had already opened his mouth to speak.

”Father and Mother are truly disappointed with you,” Wei Chang Luo listlessly complained.