Chapter 904: (1/2)

”Dare you?” From Ji Guo

”Nuan Lue, I just said

Pakistan has nothing left.

Until you were so tired of Lili questions before

Great area, countless times I want to tease

Ya? ”Promoting to once Jingji

”I between Si and Zi Ji

I was very interested, but I met Bai Ji and

I want to continue uploading on this topic

Between, because the land is with Lilia Ting

The third battle has always been her unilateral

I was beaten and hardly won

”Not why, that

Ritai type divided the noodles, that root 2

It’s in abuse, we’re just protesting

”Eye? Abuse? Come

Why did Ass-sama abuse you?

This! ”After such a group, mention

”That guy actually took our lake

I fed a few tons of milky eggs on the district chair

Rear! Got us out of Yuyou Enba

”Hamaread?! So

Li Yu's guy is too poisonous

Well, although your majesty

Sometimes naughty in front of the door,

It's true...”

”Right.” Xue Jishen

The third responsibility is the same. Then the head continues

Injustice. ”Did you make noodles?

Head, isn’t it for the palace in the woods

The fierce beasts of the picture world open their forces and listen