Chapter 632: Seahorse Riding (1/2)

When Zero and Queen Leah returned from touring the farm, Priscilla noticed how her queen appeared slightly different. What happened there? Did they make some major progress while strolling the sea wheat farm? A pang of pain startled the head maid. Her queen looked truly happy this time.

Yet, the pufferfish head maid did not forget her role or duty. ”The riding clothes are prepared in the carriage. A temporary establishment in the farm's cottage is prepared for the maids and stewards to assist your majesties.”

Zero quickly waved and declined the offer. He would change by himself. It would be troubling to have other people help him as usual. Queen Leah simply nodded and let her capable head maid make preparations.

Zero clambered into the carriage to change as Priscilla escorted her queen to the cottage. The farm owner had everyone else wait outside while the servants helpedQueen Leah change into her riding outfit.

Inside the carriage, Zero struggled with the different straps to put over his body. Bob was equally clueless, and they struggled to get his limbs into the right holes without looking too stupid.

There was a tap at the carriage door, and Bob glanced outside. There was nobody here, but the dragon sensed Truen nearby. Sneakily, they opened the carriage shell a little and Truen climbed into it quickly before they shut it again before the servants could see them.

”Truen!” Zero gushed. It had been a little too long since he last saw his best friend.

The wood elf took one look at the messy riding harness and shook his head. ”You're supposed to put your leg through this hoop and tighten it with the buckle at the side. No harnesses are worn on the neck, Zero. Who taught you this?”

Bob looked away sheepishly as Zero bore his stare into the all-knowing dragon. With Truen around, Zero finally put on the clothes in the correct order. The wood elf quickly became invisible again, and Bob had to climb onto Truen's shoulder as the riding outfit was too tight for him to hide inside. Did Queen Leah propose sea horse riding to keep stalkers away from intruding on their date? The Eternal Dragon couldn't help but feel that it might be deliberate.

As the top shell opened again, Zero hopped out of it gracefully in his riding outfit. Queen Leah was already waiting for him. Zero checked that his friends had safely gotten off the carriage before he removed that one hand still holding onto the carriage's bottom shell. Truen and Bob made their quick and silent escape as Zero walked towards Queen Leah, offering her his arm.

Priscilla gave the cue for the servants to bring the royal mounts and the footstool. There was a blue and yellow seahorse waiting for them, and Zero wondered which seahorse belonged to Queen Leah.

”Which seahorse do you prefer?” the gracious queen asked, and Zero paused. He didn't really know much about horses, not to mention seahorses.

”D-do they bite?” Zero asked quietly, not wanting to break character in front of so many people.

Queen Leah looked at seahorses and pointed to the yellow one. ”She's fast but can be grumpy. Her name is Moonflower, my best mare. He's slower but milder in temper and also Moonflower's mate. His name is Jordan.”