Chapter 593: Shrewd Zero (1/2)

Getting out of the cave he was trapped in for nearly two decades felt unreal. Pocky couldn't help but look back every few steps. The air was so different outside the cave. This was what freedom smelled like!

Bob walked at the front, and Pocky walked in the centre of the group. Zero and Truen walked behind him, and the sea otter felt nervous. Bob didn't seem like a friendly person. Moreover, he was very strong, and Pocky didn't know if it was a good thing these people were his escort party.

At the back of the party, Zero and Truen were sharing a private conversation in the party call.

”Do you think he will build us a ship?” Zero asked.

Truen observed the sea otter beastman a little more closely. Honestly, he'd never seen a shipwright before. Apart from Monoman's information and what they heard from Lycantopia, they had no way of knowing what made a good shipwright. Besides, this shipwright was trapped within a cave for so many years. Will his skills and knowledge still be relevant?

”You can ask him and negotiate later,” the wood elf informed his friendly politely. ”First, let's get out of this place. The negative mana in the air is annoying to deal with.”

The doctor agreed. Shipwright Pocky wasn't looking too healthy either. The negative mana in the air originating from him started to collect around the shipwright ever since he left the cave. It would only be a matter of time before the dark tree ent found out that his source of food left. Bob was doing what he could to contain their presence, but this trick would wear out over time. They were leaving too many traces in this forest as they travelled.

”Let's set up camp here,” Bob said when they came across a river. From the looks of how the river was created, this used to be a sea.

Pocky didn't protest. They have been walking for a few hours. There should be a safe distance between them and the dark tree ent. Setting up a camp sounded like heaven for his tired legs that severely lacked exercise.

After drinking some water from the river and sitting down to close his eyes, Pocky wondered what he would do now that he was a free man again. Should he continue on his quest or head home?

Just then, a delicious smell wafted through the air. Pocky could feel his nose twitch at this extremely nostalgic aroma. It smelled like salt!

His eyes shot open, and Pocky sat up when he heard something sizzling. It wasn't his imagination! Why were these people having a carefree barbecue session out in the open? They weren't in safe territories yet. The dark faes could still attack them here!

However, as the smell of cooked shellfish wafted to his nostrils, Pocky couldn't help but salivate. It has been so long since he had proper food. These shellfishes weren't grown or farmed. They were from the deep sea, picked by the best of divers! Only one place sold this, and Pocky swallowed hard.

”Did you come from Lycantopia?” he asked and wondered if they would share some of the delicious scallops with him.