Chapter 535: Meeting with the Dragon Heroes (1/2)
Zero didn't enter from the northern gates this time. He walked in from the southern gates instead to avoid alerting Duke Connie of his return to the capital. The guards at the gate immediately cleared the road for him and didn't question the entourage after Zero flashed them his letter of appointment as an envoy with the royal stamp.
Once he was in the city, Zero gave them instructions to split up and meet back at Mitchnew's basement to avoid suspicion. Zero only allowed two ladies to accompany him as he made a quick detour to Black Boar's Inn. There was something he needed to pass the old general and Aldina before he regrouped.
Old Gary wasn't expecting guests. It was still day and they had to keep up appearances. The Humanitarian Guild isn't recognised yet and Duke Connie has been acting more and more like a tyrant. His true colours were finally showing now that Duke Zurich has been crippled. Everyone lived in fear and nobody dared raise their heads whenever they saw the private army wearing Duke Connie's house symbol walk by. Anyone could be charged with offending a noble and captured, charged with unknown offences and sold as slaves.
Aldina was forbidden from going outside even if she was disguised as a newspaper boy. The old general feared for his only granddaughter's safety and when there was a knock at the front door, he gave her a look before Aldina scampered upstairs to hide.
Cautiously, Old Gary went up to open the door. His inn was clearly closed for business for the week. There had been no issues so far. Duke Connie wasn't interested in those from the slums and the scums from his private army would rather frequent brothels than a dusty inn like his.
”We're closed for the day,” he growled and was about to slam the door in the visitors' faces when the door was stopped by a very non-human arm.
”Pardon us, innkeeper. We were told to meet an old friend here. His name is Zero.”
The man lifted his hood a little and Old Gary's eyes widened. He knew this face! This man was famous!
”D-Dragon heroes?!”
Gerald smiled and put a finger to his lip. Behind him, Vrald waved and Olaf checked the area for any pesky spies. It wasn't easy entering the capital without detection. If it wasn't for Zero's summons, they wouldn't bother with this shitty country where nothing actually happened. The politics here was dirty and they only accepted the title of Dragon Heroes because it was what Zero wanted. For months, they paraded like peacocks and wore false smiles while saving stupid damsels in distress just to build a reputation. It was only now that Olaf understood why they were tasked to do all that. Right from the start, this had been part of Truen's plan.
Old Gary let them in quickly and closed the door after making sure that nobody saw them. If these people were here to wait for Zero, did that mean the cheeky doctor will be dropping by?
His question was answered when someone knocked at his door for the second time that day. The retired general didn't have time to get the guests drinks and they were just settling in when he had to get the door again.
Aldina remained hidden upstairs and peeped through the cracks of the floorboard to check out who the mysterious guests were. Her grandfather appeared to be flustered and Beggar King bet that this was someone of importance but not from the nobility.
Could it be...?
Zero grinned at the retired general. ”I'm here for a reservation,” he said and the old general didn't question him.
The two fox demons who followed behind Zero greeted the innkeeper with bewitching smiles and Old Gary had to steady himself. Who were these beauties and why did Zero return with them?