Chapter 529: Condensed Sphinxs Breath (1/2)
Cleo and Olive created the irrigation duct from Half Moon Village's pool to the Purgatory. Hades helped with landscaping and the garden was quickly completed. The Tree of Fertility's seed was planted in the ground and watched over by the faithful gardening team.
In less than two hours after planting Baku, Zero received a report that the Tree of Fertility was fully grown and Baku had something for him.
Curious, Zero drank some coffee to wake himself up so that he could check the gift out.
”I heard that my spriggan needs a body so I decided to make the very first vessel especially for them. Is it going to be Sylvia? I heard the rumours from Hades.”
Zero looked at the strange fetus fruit on the tree that resembled Sylvia a lot.
”Yes, it is Sylvia. Did you create that from memory? It looks very similar to her. I believe this would be exactly how she would look if she wasn't a sylph.”
Spriggan Sylvia had hair made from leaves and green skin that had a perfect complexion. Her eyes were narrow and sharp like her high nose bridge. Her lips were thin but her cheeks were chubby as the spriggan's fetus wasn't fully grown. That serious but childish appearance made Zero chuckle. He wondered how Sylvia would react to finding herself as a child again.
”She looks wonderful,” he told Baku who quivered with happiness at the praise for her first job. The shrine wasn't officially built or open for worshipping so creating one vessel was her current limit as a new world tree.
”I will bring Sylvia's reforged soul here for the transfer procedure. Please get some rest for now and tell the gardening team if you require anything.”
Baku decided to go back to sleep and Zero sighed, wishing he could do the same. Alas, more work awaited him. Jynx sent the word through Truen that Sylvia found out about Baku's successful fusion with her vessel ever since Zero undid the soul prison array. She was eager to complete her part of the deal and hand over the Condensed Sphinx Breath. The Great Sylph already sent over the official documents for her school and the decree for Jynx to become U.N.U.'s next queen. The Silver Witch's abdication took many by surprise and Truen commented that Jynx was a very capable ruler, making use of the confusion to reform the laws.
”You're finally back,” Truen sighed. The archer looked completely worn out with dark circles around his eyes indicating the lack of sleep. Zero wasn't feeling any better and nodded.
”What's going on?”
Truen didn't answer. He simply shoved a stack of documents in Zero's arms and collapsed onto the bed in their room.
Zero didn't go through the details of the contract. He trusted Truen to have gone through the terms before Jynx signed the alliance contract with Half Moon Village. Mitchnew had also reached out to Grey Legion and the slave trade was officially abolished. Duke Zurich's backer was finally out of the picture and the old aristocrat was now crippled. With both dukes suppressed by the powerful influence of Half Moon Village and its allies, Zero could now finally support King Brice with the Humanitarian Guild to improve the lives of people living there in general.
Leaving the important documents to Mii, Zero decided to drink more rejuvenation potions before he went to look for Sylvia. She had done everything as promised except for one. She could trust Truen with the documents but the Great Sylph took her responsibility for the holder of the Condensed Phinx Breath key very seriously. Fae King Vivian wasn't wrong about the guardians of these keys chosen by Nel. They were loyal and powerful but incredibly stubborn and hard to please.
The trip to Sylvia's tower was a short one. Sylvia quickly invited Zero into her office and slammed the door behind them, activating the privacy barrier so that they could talk in peace. The Great Sylph thanked Zero multiple times and Zero shook his head.