Chapter 501: Looking for Misana (1/2)
With Misana's painting and description, Zero and Truen were able to quickly confirm that she hasn't been seen by anyone in the legal channels within the slavery network or the major guilds. Missing people reports happened daily and they looked through every single case to check if there were updates about the beast girl but so far, there were no traces within the northern or eastern districts.
”It looks like we can only try finding Dina or comb the southern district,” Truen said and Zero sighed.
”If only we had something that contained Misana's DNA, I could have performed a tracing spell and located her immediately.”
Truen nodded. ”It's a shame that King Brice couldn't find anything like that. Don't worry, it might take slightly longer but we can still do this the old fashioned way. It's way past lunch and we've been walking for a long time. Aren't you hungry?”
Zero's stomach growled at the reminder and Truen chuckled. ”I thought so. Let's head back and find Bob. There is a nice kebab stall near Mitchnew's shop that we can eat at. I hope Gary has apologised enough to Bob. We need to discuss the guild creation process before dinner and check if Dina has seen the summoning request when we get back.”
There were simply too many things that needed to be done and Zero wondered if Truen would get angry if he said there was one more thing he wanted to do in Smargdas before they left to find the keys. Other than finding Misana and setting up the Humanitarian Guild, Zero had an inspiration while looking around the city.
”Truen, will you be mad if I said I wanted to set up schools here? Not just for basic reading, writing and counting. The demons are coming over and I thought what better way would there be for them to gain recognition on Earth than to start by teaching magic or cultivation? It would only be a matter of time before people started designing tools and weapons with mana stones inside of them when we start circulating them in the market. Setting up a school ahead of time to educate people the right uses for magic should help to minimise the misuse and violence that come with it.”
Truen sighed. ”Why am I not surprised? Do you even have time to resolve all that? There is a saying to not bite off more than you can chew. I didn't think you'd be able to bite off more things and add them to your plate but you continue to amaze me. Where are your limits?”
Hearing Truen's lecture, Zero couldn't help but feel slightly guilty. Mii and Wii were overwhelmed with work because of his selfish demands and the one suffering most because of his ideas weren't really him. Zero should really stop if he wanted to be considerate to the people around him but whenever he saw how much worse other people had, he couldn't help but want to give them a better chance as well using what he had even if it meant troubling those who stood by him.
Still, Truen didn't dismiss Zero's idea. After all, it wasn't his duty to judge what Zero wanted to do or what shouldn't be done. The Great Gods sent him to assist Zero in what he wanted to accomplish and even if it was difficult, that was Truen's job to figure out how they could make it possible.
A school wasn't difficult to set up. In fact, Truen already had a few ideas about how they can do it. King Brice would play a major role in setting up the school and supporting the Humanitarian Guild at a later stage. For now, their aim was to stop Duke Connie from building up too much power with his monopoly of slaves and reduce the number of slaves in the market. Those who were desperate should be given a different option to survive and a place to turn to. Slaves who could redeem themselves from the guild would do so and in the worst case, Half Moon Village would buy the freedom of those who couldn't afford it much like what they did to Jermine.
King Brice would open his kingdom's borders and city gates to refugees so Zero's suggestion of setting up a school wasn't entirely unreasonable. The archer just wondered if the villagers in Half Moon and New Moon Village could handle the inhumane work schedule. As of now, New Moon Villagers were indisposed with the task of rebuilding their village taking priority. Zero's clones were working hard and while the gnomes made several jobs easier for many Half Moon villagers, they still had a lot on their plate.
Who should he entrust the school building project to?
Seeing that Truen was silent for a very long time after he brought up the idea of wanting to create a school in Smargdas, Zero was nervous.