436 Sandfish Shaman Dungeon Master (1/2)

Zero was still busy absorbing the leftover scarab corpses when he sensed someone powerful approaching them.

”Quickly, get everything inside, I will leave the sorting to you,” Zero whispered and stashed everything away, not caring if his assistants complained about the smell. That was their problem to deal with.

Just as the last corpse went in, someone appeared from behind the mound of poop. Zero couldn't see very well in the dark but he had a feeling this new character was human, at least more human than everything else he encountered in this dungeon. Could this be the final boss?

”Who are you?” he asked. If this creature could speak, it must mean he has some type of intelligence. While he delayed time by trying to engage in a conversation, Zero told Mii to drop her work and appraise this person. He seemed dangerous and Zero promised not to deal with dangerous people head-on. Truen would have his ears if he disregarded their promise.

”That should be my question,” the sandfish shaman droned. He wasn't very impressed with this tiny lad's appearance because he couldn't feel a thing coming from this boy. There was not a single trace of mana. Yet, there was an unsettling feeling when he looked at the elf.

Zero smiled. ”Are you the dungeon master? From the looks of your outfit, you must be a desert shaman.”

The question was harmless but it was too unsuitable for such a setting. How did this lone elf make his way all the way down to the bottom level of his dungeon? The shaman was sure he had put his monsters in place to prevent that sort of thing. Speaking of which, it was too quiet. Where were all the monsters?

”What did you do to my slaves?” The shaman wasn't pleased.

Zero's smile looked spine-chilling in the darkness. This elf might look weak but his confidence wasn't natural. The shaman sent his senses out and couldn't hear anything. He couldn't sense any of his monsters even in the upper floors, there was truly nobody else in his dungeon, only him and this lone elf who didn't even give out any traces of life. Just what was this elf?

”What are you?” the sandfish shaman asked, on guard all of a sudden after he realised the horrible truth.

”Isn't it basic manners to introduce yourself first if you want to know the other party's name? Also, I asked you first. I'm a guest.”

The comeback wasn't expected at all and this made the shaman freeze. He couldn't believe that this dangerous intruder was educating him about being civil. Enraged at the humiliation, the sandfish shaman wanted to order his generals to take this rude elf down but quickly remembered that they were gone.

”I'm the master of this dungeon. What business do you have with me?”

Stunned, the sandfish shaman wasn't expecting the intruder to really ask him for directions as if he was a lost tourist.

”You made all this mess just to ask me where the desert poppy is?” he couldn't believe it.

Zero blinked. He didn't really come to ask about it but he thought that he might ask since he met someone capable of conversation. As a doctor, violence wasn't his preferred solution but those monsters were simply too difficult to communicate with. If he didn't attack them, they would attack him.

”My aim wasn't to hunt monsters or defeat dragons. I'm actually a doctor and prefer to talk instead of resorting to violence. I need the desert poppy seed as part of my quest while travelling in Derby Desert. Do you happen to know anything about it?”


With a sigh, Zero pouted. ”That's a shame. I thought a native person like you would know a thing or two. In that case, do you happen to know any villages nearby or where we can find gnomes?”

The sandfish shaman was quickly losing his patience with this elf. A doctor? Non-violence policy? Does this fool even understand what kind of place this was? It was a dungeon and there were only one of two outcomes. Either they kill or they are killed. Still asking about directions to villages or gnome cities? Did this boy think he was just born yesterday? He wouldn't be fooled.

Zero stiffened when the shaman pointed his staff at him. ”Enough nonsense. I don't know what you did but once you set foot in my dungeon, the only way out of here is to die.”