378 Dont Bully My Teacher! (1/2)

Truen wanted to scream but he couldn't blame Zero. The moment he stepped foot into the palace to talk to the king and chancellor, he had already fallen into their trap. Zero was asking for help using the party call but there was no apt advice that he could give his friend.

”Is something the matter?” Motley asked with a sickly pleasant voice.

Truen swallowed. ”Could you make this quicker? I'm worried about leaving that perverted dwarf with my sister for too long. Also, I only came to inform King Darius about needing to leave for Derby Desert. It's part of the agreement I made with Dorgon for him to create the statue of Freya at Magnus Hilda. He did say that he wanted to make a trip personally to where the shrine and statue were going to be built and he needed a picture of Goddess Freya. I'm sure my sister is passing the painting to him as we speak but I don't trust Dorgon around her.”

Instead of acting surprised at the news, the chancellor merely poured tea and sat down. ”Don't worry about it, your sister is in very good hands now. Also, there is no better person for her to be with at the moment if you want to rush off to Derby Desert. Fret not, we have not forgotten the deal about helping your sister register as an adventurer. In fact, Zero has done such a great job with transforming out princes into a great beauty that the King and I have decided to bring forward the reward.”

Feeling slightly suspicious, Truen asked. ”What do you mean?”

The chancellor grinned. ”In Rocket Mountain, there is only one other man who can stand proudly beside Queen Demora. He is an S-ranked adventurer with the blessing from the God of Art. The name of or current guild master who is also the godfather of our beloved princess is no other than Dorgon Flintstock. It is for this very reason that we allowed you to bring him back to us, envoy of Magnus Hilda.”

The hostility in the air was clear. Motley didn't trust elves and even though he didn't show it explicitly earlier, Truen could see it now. He got up and tried to leave the room but the dwarven guards pointed their spears at him.

”Sit down, Truen. You and I have much to discuss. Don't worry, your sister will be safe. Dorgon will go easy on her, he has a good gauge of a person's true strength and since you requested for a special rank, surely a special test must be given.”

The princess who had dropped by to greet her teacher's brother overheard the conversation and swiftly turned around. The guards who were waiting outside of the conference room were puzzled that the princess decided not to go in and exchanged confused looks but decided not to interrupt the chancellor.

Princess Dorothy left the castle without anyone stopping her because the guards were so used to seeing the process help out at her teacher's clinic. However, today, the princess wasn't heading there. Instead, she asked around the marketplace to know if anyone saw her godfather and teacher. It didn't take long for people to point Dorothy in the right direction and the princess made haste. It would be better to stop her godfather before he made her teacher mad. Dorgon might be strong but only Princess Dorothy knew how frightening Zero was. That one time Zero got mad and lost control over a fraction of her powers, an earthquake took over Rocket Mountain.

Thankfully, the crafting guild wasn't very far from the main town and Dorothy forgot about etiquette with nobody to watch her. The dwarven princess gathered her skirt and ran even though it was difficult to do so in heeled shoes. Still, the princess was tenacious if she wasn't anything else. Her training with Zero made her physically stronger and she ran all the way, displaying amazing stamina.

”Godfather! Godfather stop!” a voice called from outside the crafting guild. Zero dodged another powerful slam that rattled the floor of the crafting guild. She now understood why they used reinforced wood here.

”Dorothy?” Dorgon wasn't expecting the appearance of his goddaughter and paused. Zero sighed in relief. Truen didn't respond and Zero had to put up with the attacks for the last fifteen minutes, dodging what he could and parrying with his bare hands what he couldn't. It wasn't difficult to destroy the annoying rafter's suit but Zero didn't want to damage it more to a point where even gnome technicians couldn't salvage it. Why couldn't Forgon see that she wasn't willing to participate in his test?

Dorgon stared at Zero and sighed. He got out of the crafter's suit and opened the door to a panting princess.