315 Blessing of Acceptance and Trus (1/2)
Merlin forgot all about his grief when Zero completed his grimoire. The teen had been very proud with his worn-out grimoire and Merlin grounded Zero from doing any more designs or work for a week until he reflected on his reckless actions once more.
\”Ancient magic should not be used carelessly!\” Merlin yelled and Zero had a difficult time understanding why his teacher was so angry. Wasn't he the one who told Zero to find him in three days after binding his grimoire and creating the spells he wanted to add to his grimoire?
None of Zero's mindscape assistants wanted to help Zero and Origin only laughed at their master. Merlin was very strict when he said Zero wasn't allowed to do anything magic related. The wizard would often send Bib after Zero whenever he caught the teen trying to read or draw something. In the end, Zero was reduced to working in the kitchen and in the garden. The young doctor could only do so much farming and cooking before he was bored out of his mind. He still didn't understand why Merlin was so mad even after meditating for three days and napping a lot.
Unable to stand the gloominess of the tower, Zero left for the main town in Arabesque, hoping to entertain himself. It was fun for a few hours and Zero wiped himself out by playing games at every stall to his heart's content. However, by the end of the few hours, not only was he feeling tired, Zero felt extremely emotionally drained. It used to be so easy to be happy in the past. Why was it so difficult today? Zero suddenly found that nothing he did could lift his spirits. The truth came as a huge shock for Zero. In the past, he would find everything amazing. Zero remembered being amazed by the creation of each individual leaf and how it was always different from the others. Now, he couldn't even pretend to be interested in games, not to mention leaves.
His feet took him to a quieter spot in Arabesque and Zero's eyes landed on the words in the sky that Truen left for him. The young doctor wondered what his busy friend was up to at this moment. While Truen was working hard, Zero felt guilty about getting grounded. He was so close too! Once he finished the grimoire and the spells, Zero didn't think that there would be any reason Merlin had to delay him from completing the last quest and graduating him. Thanks to so many people's help, Zero only took four months to get to where he was.
The young doctor frowned. What could he do now that he wasn't allowed to practise magic? Maybe he could start working on his fighting style since Merlin didn't say anything about not cultivating. Also, his pill supplies were running low. It might be a good time to restock while he was at it. The garden project is coming along gre-
\”Gah!\” the young doctor jumped when someone breathed into his ear. Too lost in his thoughts, the teen didn't notice the two divine sisters standing beside him.
The divine sisters giggled at Zero's sloppiness. It should have been the other way around.
\”We're here to give you our blessings before we become a part of you. That tri-cloured petal artefact mark we left on you is currently sealing an important ability. It shall be unlocked once you're found Nel but we can still give you our individual blessings,\” Law explained.
Isaben smiled. \”Zero, I will give you the blessing of Trust as a passive skill that will let you know when someone is lying. It's similar to the feeling of something bad happening with your Intuition skill but less intense.\”
The young doctor was slightly surprised when the lady bent down to give him a gentle kiss on one cheek.
Law smiled. \”I will give you the blessing of Acceptance. It is also a passive skill to help you regulate your emotions if they fluctuate to an extreme point. It will not affect your thoughts, just help to calm you down and facilitate better thinking so that you wouldn't make rash decisions that you might regret.\”
Again, Zero was kissed on the cheek and the two ladies smiled at him. \”We will become part of Mind's Eye system now. Once you complete Murvin's quest, you'd be able to unlock more functions of the Mind's Eye system including customising your vessel and mindscape.\”
The young doctor didn't have time to say anything before the ladies disappeared. True to their words, Zero inspected his status and found two more new passive skills. Mii could not find a way to deactivate them but Zero didn't mind. They weren't going to do him harm so the young doctor left it. Instead, he was more curious about the other things he had since it had been a while since he last saw his status.
Inheritor of Sins
Effect: Allows title holder to absorb all sins and convert them to a form of consumable power
Savior of the Abyss
Effect: Is naturally liked by demons and monsters, increases charisma points when dealing with demon races
Member of the White Wings Alliance
Effect: Free entry pass to Heaven that doesn't expire
Tea Lover
Effect: Increase familiarity between Zero and tea brewer every time tea is drunk.
Underwater Breathing
Lie Detector
Calm Mind
1. Gorgon's Grief
2. Finding Nel
3. Retrieving Duu
4. Venn's Regret
5. Retail Therapy
Sins: 50,000
Qi: 300,000
Mana: 9,685,000
Energy: 388,502