292 The Truth about Chaos Energy (1/2)

Merlin was stunned by the sight of chaos in his library. He had merely dropped by to remind Zero it was time for lunch but the mess before him killed the words at his tongue. Zero was mediating in a spot at some corner while all ten golems busied away from reading to transcribing, updating records and shifting books. Merlin didn't know if he should leave Zero to focus or call his student out for lunch. Unfortunately for Merlin, Zero had to attend lunch with him today. Steve had developed the magic aptitude testing machine's prototype and required Zero's assistance. Buddha and Steve were already waiting for them at the Hall of Attachments.


The slight coughing caught Zero's attention from the mindscape and the teenager snapped out of his meditation.

\”Ok, drop five for now. The other five can continue updating and transcribing. I'll leave the rest of it to you and Mii for now,\” Zero talked to nobody in particular but Merlin knew who he was talking to.

Zero hastily changed into his magician's outfit from his tracksuit. Merlin nodded at the teen who apologised for his tardiness. Merlin wasn't known to be the most punctual Sage God for a slight delay wouldn't make a difference. As it was, they were already fifteen minutes behind time.

The master and student arrived at the Hall of Attachments looking slightly unkempt but nobody minded. In fact, Buddha and Steve were very used to seeing a dishevelled Merlin with uncombed hair, tangled beard and bloodshot eyes. The wizard's current appearance was considered one of his better days. Zero must be a good influence on the obstinate wizard and Buddha smiled, happy for both of them

\”Sorry, we're late!\” Zero apologised and Buddha waved the apology aside.

\”Let's start eating first, we can talk later,\” the Enlightened One said.

Zero dug in without reservations but Merlin ate slowly as if there was something still weighing heavily on his mind. Although Zero said that Buddha betrayed Solo to help him, the magician still found it hard to trust the Wise One. Buddha had always been the hardest person to read. The Sage god of Enlightenment hid everything behind a serene mask and smile. Hua Tuo was aware of the cultivation monster's true nature as a very cunning person but Merlin didn't know if Buddha's intentions were good or bad. As he ate, he continued to keep a close eye on the Sage God.

Steve decided to get to know Zero a little better. He received many letters from Merlin regarding his research progress about chaos energy. The more letters Merlin sent, the more confused Steve was. The wizard seemed to contradict his previous letter with every new letter sent. The findings completely differed from Buddha's compiled research notes. It was the reason why Steve wanted to hold a meeting with both involved parties and have Zero confirm the facts.

Merlin also craved the crispy fried battered potatoes that Bib learnt how to make. In comparison, the boiled potato dish that Buddha served paled in comparison. The faces Merlin and Zero made didn't escape Buddha's eyes.  Still, being a benevolent host, the Enlightened One said nothing.

Steve Jobs ate his meal quickly without tasting it. As usual, the God of technology worked efficiently. Zero and Merlin quickly polished their plates and thanked Buddha for the hospitality before Buddha assigned some servants to clean up the place. They moved to a different room in the temple to discuss official business matters.

\”Thank you for agreeing to meet up with me,\” Steve started. \”I received your letters and your notes,\” he said and turned to Merlin and Buddha respectively. The documents were pulled out and placed on the table.

Zero compared the sizes of the stacks and noticed how merlin's letters were three times more than Buddha's research notes.

\”I have difficulty understanding what is required because both research notes are contradicting. Merlin claims that chaos energy is tameable but Buddha's notes said that chaos energy is wild and uncontrollable. I cannot create a device without knowing the true nature of chaos energy. Can someone clarify this for me?\”

Zero raised a brow. \”But both of their claims are correct. While chaos energy is tameable, it is also wild and uncontrollable.\”

Steve looked slightly irritated. If this was the case, why would he waste his time trying to clarify the contradicting statements? It's the case of the Schrodinger's cat saying that it was both dead and alive at the same time.

Seeing the irritation on Steve's face, Zero quickly clarified. \”I mean it behaves differently depending on who it reacts to. Chaos energy is tameable with me but it attacks Merlin crazily. We've been trying to find out how we can trap chaos energy. It cannot be controlled because of its innate nature to destroy and devour things. Once sated, the chaos energy will disappear along with the supplied qi or mana. It reacts violently to anything that is living and it is why planes are constantly the target of chaos energy in the void. The initial assumption that the clashing of planes created chaos energy is wrong. In fact, the clashing of planes is a side effect of the chaos energy's actions.\”

Buddha looked at Zero unsmiling. \”Do you have any evidence to support your claims? I've been venturing into the void with my soul to understand the void and have been dealing with chaos energy for centuries. Chaos energy attacks anything living regardless of their nature. It is attracted to not mana or qi but the soul.\”

Zero nodded. \”That is partially correct. Souls are much purer than mana or qi. Chaos energy is the opposite of creation. It doesn't seek to destroy life, it seeks to destroy creation. Merlin and I have experimented with it. The chaos energy doesn't attack me or the mana golems even if they are charged with mana. They go straight for Merlin even if he is outside of the tower. In Arabesque the only living creature is Merlin. This is how we discovered the true nature of chaos energy.\”

Steve was puzzled. \”Merlin is the only living creature in Arabesque? Are you forgetting that you are also considered a living creature?\”

Zero froze. He forgot that Steve doesn't know his identity. Zero couldn't be considered a living creature. he was the void and the one responsible for the chaos energy that exists in it.

Buddha came in to save Zero from the awkward position he got himself in and told Steve that Zero was a time traveller who didn't exist in a physical sense.

\”Think of it as a shadow or after image,\” he told the confused God of technology. \”It's complicated but I trust that you will keep this a top-secret. Zero was summoned by the Great Gods.\”

With the mention of Great Gods, Steve stopped prying for details. Zero heaved a sigh of relief and Merlin gave Buddha a grateful nod.

\”If that is the case, how can you be certain that chaos energy is tameable? Wiser and I have tried many methods to preserve the original nature of chaos energy for testing but chaos energy is like a ghost that possesses anything in its reach and corrupts it to borrow its vessel.\”

Zero nodded. Chaos energy couldn't be contained. Wiser and Steve were correct. However, Merlin and Zero discovered that while chaos energy could not be contained and was easily destroyed when fed with enough life energy, there was something unique about it.

\”It is wild and uncontrollable so trapping it is not advised. However, you can lure chaos energy and bait it. We tried many different objects and life forms in the lab. Merlin found out that other than souls, chaos energy was highly attracted to anything that has harmony. The easiest thing to bait chaos energy is with this.\”

The device Zero pulled out from his inventory startled Steve. It was a small stamp with some intricate drawings.