Chapter 221 - Village Leader Zero (1/2)

Zero took a look around the cave. As usual, Zoe's food tasted fantastic! Even if Coux, Qin Yun and Amaraline were good cooks, nobody could win Zoe... maybe except for Lovina when it came to desserts. The Zashikiwarashi was blushing at the compliments everyone gave her that evening. Grandma Moppo announced that there would be a mandatory feast for all the villagers and nobody refused the invitation. Ruth and Schaf were also invited along with Hua Tuo and Zero- the main guest of the evening.

Everybody knew why there was such a grand feast. If Zero was still here by the end of the day, Grandma Moppo must have gotten her way. The feast is merely a formality to welcome Zero back into the village so nobody was expecting for Zero to stand up and give a speech while toasting juice.

”Good evening! Can I get everyone's attention for five minutes?”

The crowd settled down into a curious silence. Many had questions about the sudden growth spurt Zero went through but nobody dared approach the young doctor just yet. Grandma Moppo hasn't spoken a single word the entire evening and without her consent, Zero was not yet accepted as a member of the village. He still had the special guest treatment.

Lowis was surprised when the head of the village didn't look up from her cup of ale. Zero smiled and continued without paying heed to Grandma Moppo.

”Thank you for all gathering tonight. I have an announcement to make as the new leader of the Half Moon Village.”

As expected, the cave burst into loud murmurs. The half-dwarf looked slightly annoyed at some of the whispers and glared at the room, levelling it to silence with her snapping.

”What's so surprising about it? It just happened sooner rather than later. Besides, I still want to enjoy my retirement life while I'm still in good condition!”

Mitchnew observed as Vrald bristled in what looked like a protest. She was ready to put the fool down if he dared to lay a finger on Zero. she'd heard some things from her husband who was still in the abyss. Although he didn't share everything in full detail, Mitchnew more than most of the villagers present with the exception of Qin Yun. Vrald had no right to judge Zero, the young doctor hadn't had it easy. While the village was complacently idling with its repairs after Carrabas' attack and waiting for the next attack, Zero was making grand plans to change the living quality in the abyss. Kerberos, Schaf and Ruth's appearance were part of Zero's grand plans. With Wiser, Coux, Amaraline and her husband still in the abyss, Mitchnew knew that Half Moon Village would somehow be involved in the operation of Zero's grand plan. They were quite the odd group living together so having demons accepted into their kind isn't that much of a deal.

”Thank you,” Zero nodded at the curious villagers. ”As you know how it happened, Baal brought me to Hell while I was unconscious. However, a lot of things have happened while I was in Hell after I recovered. I'll keep it as brief as possible because it isn't possible to tell everything there is to tell about what I've been through over the last few months in the abyss. In short, we have new guests from the abyss as some of you may know them. Schaf here is Mammon's closest student and he would have been a successor if not for the unfortunate turn of events that involved Kerberos. There was a powerful force trying to manipulate demons to opening the gate to Earth forcefully. Their plot to take over Earth and use its resources to have revenge against Heaven was foiled by me. After that, Bell and I were busy making arrangements to improve life in Hell so that history will not repeat itself. To improve the lives of demons in the abyss, an established trade route for better materials must be established. Coux is helping me with that at the moment and Schaf will assist her from the village. As many of you have guessed it, Half Moon Village will become the contact point for trade between the abyss and Earth. Our village will definitely prosper but there is one problem...”

”Security... more people like Count Carrabas will attack us if they knew that we're doing well...” Lowis growled.

The air turned suffocating with the anger from every villager. Zero nodded. He didn't have to explain much now that everyone understood where he was coming from.

”I wouldn't be able to always be in the village. As the person who suggested this grand plan, I need to travel all over the place. I have faith in everyone's combat prowess in this village. However, we will face the same difficulties against numbers so I brought in reinforcements of my own. Kerberos is currently guarding Sleepy Cave at the foot of Endow Hill. He will be your backup, a one-dog army. Lovina will help to maintain the teleportation circle that I will create in the village central tomorrow. Also, this is Ruth my magic combat teacher and also the last survivor of the Roth Vampires. He will be a part of Half Moon Village and he is very strong. I believe that with these two guardians, Half Moon Village can take down ten times the size and power of Count Carrabas' army. However, if the situation exceeds this level of attack, there is an emergency portal set up in the village that goes straight to Bell's castle. Bell has already declared that Half Moon Village is under his protection. Queen Lilith, Queen Shittomi, Lord Mammon and Lord Beelzebub are also claiming their protection over the village. I believe that although it is unspoken, Lord Lucifer and Lord Amon will also lend their power should the situation requires it.”

That was a lot to process and some, like Vrald, gave up on thinking altogether. Zero didn't know how to take the silence. He thought that such a great plan with so much consideration should at least warrant some smiles or applause but to be greeted with eerie silence? It was unexpected.

Nervous that he'd gone too far, Zero turned around to give his teacher a pleading look. Grandma Moppo was calm on the outside and that made Zero feel more discouraged. He must have made the wrong decision to introduce so much change at once. He should've learnt from Venn's experience about ruling with an iron fist... it never worked out. He should've been more diplomatic like what Lucifer suggested... he should've-

”Argh! Who cares what that means. We're under the protection of the most powerful people and given the chance to prosper without having to worry about being wanted. isn't is great! It's better than a dream come true!”

Nobody was quite expecting the outburst to come from the village's biggest fool.

Gerald smiled at his friend. Although Vrald wasn't the brightest person in the village, this was why he was once hailed a hero. He always came through when it mattered most.

”That's right!” Leon nodded vigorously. ”I don't know what everything means but it's good that nobody will be coming to burn down our home, right? Also, we will be able to have more money to buy more things. It's good, no?”

Rima sighed at her friend's simplicity. By more things, Leon was probably referring to sweets. However, the spirit propagator couldn't find a flaw in that logic. One by one, the villagers begin to make up their minds and eventually everyone supported their new leader's decision even if some had their reservations about it.

”Zero, I don't want to sound disapproving but how do you know if we can trust these demons? They're not known to be the kindest species...” Soon pointed out.

Crudgel also voiced out his concerns with the lack of ability to contribute towards the business trade route that Zero talked about.