Chapter 178 - The Sentence (1) (1/2)
Two days later, the long-awaited punishment was finally being carried out. With everyone well-rested, things started falling back into place with some semblance of normality in the abyss.
It was weird to finally be back at Endow Hill. Although Zero was extremely curious about how things were back at the village, he didn't attempt to run off in order to satisfy his curiosity. As agreed, the small party included Qin Yun, Hua Tuo, Baal and Ruth. Schaf was being pushed along whenever his vampire guard decided he was deliberately tardy. Zero didn't blame the soon-to-be goat beastman. There was nobody who would look forward to punishment.
Hades and Kerberos were already waiting and Zero could see them from quite a distance. After all, there was nothing concealing the cave that led to Sleepy Cave's entrance. Once they were closer, the young doctor noticed that Merlin was also present. His heart raced at the thought of being able to see Truen but plummeted when Mii informed him that she didn't sense the wood elf in the area. A sharp glance from Baal made the young doctor straighten up. He couldn't afford to be seen behaving childishly in front of the two felons.
Qin Yun looked considerably better ever since she returned to Earth. It made Zero think about how Schaf would cope with the biological changes after his punishment. It wouldn't be easy for the goat demon who'd never been anything else his entire life. Unlike the fox spirit, he had no experience about the way of life in the material plane. It would be a struggle but Zero didn't pity him. It was punishment after all.
”It's good to see you again, Zero.” Hades smiled. ”Have you been doing well?”
The young doctor returned the smile warmly. Today, the God of Death wasn't in his scary skeletal form. Hades looked a little too pale as usual but he seemed genuinely happier. Kerberos didn't look menacing. In fact, the young doctor wondered how such a large hound could transform into three adorable puppies. They wagged their tails sadly and peered up at the Great God with the saddest looking eyes. Zero wondered if it was illegal to have eyes like that. It made people want to forgive them for any wrong they committed. That was simply unfair but Zero couldn't say he disliked them.
”I'm good. Is everyone else doing well?”
They exchanged pleasantries and Baal slid up to Merlin's side. ”This is it?”
The Wizard God nodded. ”It's not active at the moment but there's no telling. Kerberos should be fine. He has his master's blessing.”
The Demon Lord nodded. It wasn't common knowledge but Sleepy Cave was marked as one of the most dangerous and unpredictable portals between dimensions. After many years of existing as a death trap for travellers who fell victims to the random opening and closing of gates, their trapped spirits conglomerated and fused together as one massive ball of consciousness. Their lament, regrets and loneliness created a monster almost as powerful as a God. Sleepy Cave created its own existence and it was something that not even the Great Gods could explain. To prevent its power from growing, they had the Eternal Dragon guard Endow Hill and this dangerous monster. Merlin was in-charge of maintaining its barrier and this arrangement worked out perfectly for many years...
Until the Living Dungeon ate its protector.
It wasn't known exactly how or when it happened but almost at once, Hua Tuo volunteered to check on the situation. Merlin's barriers were still in place on Earth so the situation was under control. The doctor isolated himself there for a few centuries while waiting for the new guardian to be born. As fate had it, Zero turned up to adopt the new guardian before it was time. That messed up every plan the Sage Gods had, much to Hua Tuo's initial frustration.
”I'm so glad Sleepy Cave has a new guardian, no offence to Hades.”
The God of Death blinked at Baal and shook his head. ”None taken. I will visit Kerberos regularly so that he wouldn't be too lonely. It was a century of guarding last I heard. Is Zero alright with the arrangement?”
”The Eternal Dragon would have to return to Endow Hill eventually. For now, I think it's alright if they use this hundred years to explore Earth to their heart's content,” Merlin replied.
The Demon Lord didn't say anything. He watched as Zero exchanged words with Kerberos from the sidelines. As they concluded their discussion, the teenager walked up to the waiting Demon Lord.
”I'm ready. How are we going to do this?” he asked.
Baal jerked his chin towards Hades who had Kerberos' original collar in one hand and three dog tags in the other. Zero could guess what they were going to do with the dog tags but the collar?
”I'll be leaving his original collar with Hua Tuo,” Hades explained. ”It would allow Hua Tuo to break my binding spell on Kerberos in case there is an emergency. To reduce his power, I've separated him into three puppies but they are still not to be taken lightly. Ker still retains his curse ability, Ber has his magic abilities although it has been significantly reduced and Ros can easily smash a large tree over with a swipe of his paw.”
The physician accepted the collar while Hades placed the dog tags on each puppy with their respective names. Zero noted how there was a flash of light before the oversized dog tags shrank to fit snuggly around each puppy's necks. Once that was done, Hua Tuo, Merlin and Hades escorted them to Sleepy Cave.
Zero was about to follow them when Baal grabbed his arm. ”We have other business to attend to.”
Zero looked at the vampire and goat demon. That's right. The punishment wasn't solely for Kerberos.
”How do we proceed?” he whispered to Baal.
The Demon Lord snapped his fingers and two magic contracts materialised. The teenager understood at once. He decided to keep Ruth's contract for later. First, they had Schaf to sign his.
”Schaf Schafkopf, prepare to receive your punishment.”
The goat demon didn't react immediately. Instead, there was a flash of rebellion in his eyes. He spat onto the ground when Zero brought the contract over. Seeing red, Ruth smacked the small demon mercilessly with his superior strength. Zero was startled and shot a warning glare to the vampire before rushing forward to help the fallen demon when Schaf yelled out. Ruth didn't flinch. His gaze was cold and nobody punished the vampire for his actions.
”Don't touch me, you filth!” Schaf screamed and Zero pulled away as if he was scalded. The hatred radiating from the goat demon shocked the young doctor who was only trying to help.
Ruth wanted to permanently silence the goat demon but held back at Baal's oppressing aura. The Demon Lord wasn't too pleased about what Schaf did but if he wasn't making a move, the vampire was in no position to do so either. They waited for Zero to make his decision.