Chapter 149 Mission: Fixing Zero 3 (1/2)

”Pinch his nose. I think it will wake him up.”

There was a smacking sound in the background. ”You idiot! What if he dies?”

The first voice huffed. Zero knew that there would be a lot of eye-rolling. ”He can't die. He's our almighty master.”

The strawcherry fairy made a strange noise and Zero heard Bob yelping in pain.

”Why you puny thing- That hurt!”

Mii snorted. ”For a dragon, you're quite weak. How does the dropkick from a puny fairy feel like?”

Bob growled and Zero decided that it was about time he stopped pretending to be asleep.

”What are you guys fighting about again?” he moaned as the light stabbed his eyes. He wasn't unfamiliar with the place. In fact, he visited it very often. What Zero didn't understand was why he wasn't waking up physically.

Mii and Bob stopped their squabbling immediately.

”Zero! You're alive!”

”Master! You're finally awake... we were worried when you didn't respond to us...”

Zero stared at them dazedly and Mii decided to give the brunet more time to recollect his memories.With so many changes going on in Zero's inner world and outer world, it wasn't surprising that Zero would be so confused.

Zero took a little while to reorganise his memories and when he finished processing everything, he turned to Mii with shock reflected in his eyes.


The strawcherry fairy sighed. Bob only looked between his master and comrade with a curious expression.

”That's not a dream. I don't know what he decided to show you but it was real. However, you should remember that whatever he showed you wouldn't be your reality. The Great One left it to you to finish the story he started. On the other hand, the mana discrepancy is something very real that you need to worry about. Buddha is working his butt off trying to stabilise your condition. Bob and I are doing our best to keep the different energies as far as possible from each other but you need to be the one to sort them out.”

Zero blinked and took a look at the newest addition to their mental space. Usually, it resembled the lamp that Zeus had given him. Both Mii and Bob usually spent their time here when Zero was asleep or meditating. Today, Zero noticed that there were four different coloured mist clouds. Each mist cloud was sealed in a container and placed at the furthest corner of the room. Zero looked at the mist clouds and raised a brow. They looked familiar.

”The blue one feels like Bell,” he mused and got closer to it. This mist cloud wasn't very active and appeared to be moving slowly inside. Zero had a strong feeling that it was sleeping.

”What do I have to do?”

Mii shrugged. ”Bob and I only sealed them away. If you let them go, they will start fighting in this room again. It was difficult to contain the damage and I would prefer if you didn't free them after all the trouble we've been through.”

Zero squatted in front of the blue one and frowned in concentration. Why would the four mist clouds fight each other? Zero didn't understand what made them unhappy. It was even harder to wrap his head around the idea of two green mist clouds fighting each other. Jevy and Gugu were born from the same light in Solo's memory. Why would they not get along well?

”Mii, can I have both you and Bob to leave for a bit? I'm going to let them out one by one.”

The strawcherry fairy looked scandalised at the idea. ”You're crazy! I'm not going to save you even if you called for help!”

Zero grinned and gave her a thumbs-up while Bob gave him one worried last glance before leaving with Mii. Zero knew that Mii was only worried when she said that. He found it incredibly adorable that Mii would never admit how much she worried for him sometimes. Nevertheless, Zero stared at the two green mist clouds.

”I guess I'll start with the simpler ones,” he shrugged. What could go wrong?


Zero took it all back. It was a disaster. No, disaster didn't even cut it. He should have dealt with the blue mist cloud first!

”It's all because of you! If you didn't steal that diamond to activate the trap, I would've gotten that preserved body!”

”My fault?! Who was attracting all the unwanted attention? If it weren't for your stupid need to flaunt your beauty, I didn't have to dash for the diamond and trigger all the traps. You can only blame your scatterbrain for your loss.”

Jevy's fragment shrieked and zipped past Zero, striking into Gugu's fragment cloud. Sparks flew and something in the room exploded. Zero groaned. He had to fix the mirror again. It wasn't difficult to fix it in his mental space seeing how it was merely a representation of his imagination. However, it was becoming tedious with the violent argument hovering above him.

Zero had to admit. He was intimidated by his divine entity fragments. The poor brunet had cowered beneath the bed the instant they got free. Jevy attacked Gugu viciously and Zero couldn't even speak a peep before they hurled words and magic at each other. He didn't even know why both of them were so mad when neither of them was doing the right thing in the first place.

To make matters worse, their fights rattled the red mist cloud's container. Zero could only watch as the disaster unfolded before his very eyes, powerless to stop the inevitable.


Half the room exploded with red mist and the two green mist clouds fell silent at once. It wasn't as if Jevy and Gugu suddenly learnt what manners were. Zero highly doubt that. In fact, he believed it was the overpowering battle aura was what kept the two rowdy mist clouds under control. As for Zero, he held his breath, not knowing if the red mist cloud was going to be more destructive and twice as obstinate.

”When will the both of you stop acting like children? Have you forgotten our duty?”

Annoyed at Venn's attitude, Jevy was the first to snap. ”Stop talking as if you're better than us! You may be older but that's only by a split second! You're not any better... going around destroying planets just because you couldn't kill your enemy.”

The red mist cloud thickened around the green mist cloud whom Zero had now dubbed as Jevy 2.0. Gugu remained wisely quiet and watched as his divine entity twin gets overpowered by Venn 2.0.

Jevy 2.0's light became dimmer and Zero hesitated. Should he act out? Then again, what if Venn 2.0 decides to strike at him? Zero wasn't confident that he could protect himself against a divine entity. The blessings the Great Gods gave him were powerful against normal beings. However, against some divine fragments? Zero didn't want to test the theory out. He knew how easily they could subdue Sedna and that spoke volumes.

”Don't you know that silence is golden? Someone is trying to sleep here...”

Zero blinked. He'd almost forgotten about the blue mist cloud who resembled Baal a lot. Thank Solo that Duu 2.0 has spoken!

”All of you are being very rude to our host and creator here,” Duu 2.0 said and Zero swallowed thickly at the redirected attention.

Venn 2.0 let go of Jevy 2.0 and the energy in the room became less intense. Zero finally allowed himself to breathe again, not that he had to. It just made him feel more relaxed when he did.