Chapter 133 Onion Layers (1/2)

Three days. Nobody dared to ask about Zero's condition and Baal's body double didn't give them any updates ever since they arrived at the castle. One thing they learnt quickly was how empty the building was. Coux toured every nook and cranny of the castle with Sekkin. Not a single soul was in sight. There were no servants and it made the succubus wonder how Baal maintained the castle. During their exploration, they came to understand why Baal had to take such a long detour. The castle was full of traps. If not for Amaraline's warning, they might not make it out of some unscathed. Baal's body double simply watched from the side lines, not interfering and not offering help.

Amaraline and Wiser holed themselves in the library. Qin Yun took it upon herself to prepare meals. Strangely, the food was always restocked the next day. The demoness didn't know what magic that was but there were always ingredients that she wanted. It was as if someone read her mind and readied them in advance for her. The fox demoness once asked Baal's body double if she could meet the person buying the groceries but received no answer.

”We can prepare anything you desire. If you wish to go to town, we can arrange for a familiar to escort you,” was what he said.

For three days, they tried to take their mind off Zero. Amaraline decided to read up more about the history of Hell and learn the demon tongue. Wiser poured through books about forbidden spells, potions and creations. The strategist even took notes about the unique methods castles were fortified in Hell. He'd have to redesign the village's fortification when they returned. Coux did some research about the best sight-seeing spots in Hell and learn a little more about the culture. She picked up some simple demon tongue from Amaraline and practised it with Qin Yun who was a surprisingly fast learner of the language. Sekkin was surprised to find that he became stronger after soaking in the Spring of Vitality and was trying out his newly acquired demon powers. Nobody stopped him. In fact, Qin Yun sometimes offered to teach him some pointers and offered to spar with him. It was fascinating to see the spider demon and fox demoness fight. Coux winced when one of Qin Yun's tails struck Sekkin in the face again. The fox demoness was a skilled fighter with many years of experience. Her wits and tricks made it seem like she was toying with Sekkin who struggled to hold his own against her. He once thought that Mitchnew's training was hard. The dark-elf was one of the most skilful assassins back on Earth. Who knew that Qin Yun could put all assassins out of work with her level of skill?

”Is it possible to visit Zero?” Amaraline asked the body double.

The clone shook his head. ”Lord Baal will take care of it. He will send word at once when Zero awakens. Please do not concern yourselves too much.”

Coux sighed. ”Is it possible to travel to these famous sight-seeing spots in Hell?”

The body double nodded. ”I can arrange for a familiar to act as your guide. Although the abyss is a dangerous place, there are beautiful places you can visit. If you wish to, we could establish a long term trade contract with you to market unique abyss products on Earth and have some of the unattainable consumables on Earth to be sold under Lord Baal's name.”

Coux's eyes widened and she grinned. The rest of that afternoon was spent learning more about the abyss' local produce and the kind of things demons liked. Amaraline became interested when the clone spoke about magical artefacts.

”Aren't those rare?”

”Perhaps on Earth,” the clone admitted. ”In the abyss, anyone could craft them. Even low levelled demons are able to create trash grade magical artefacts. There will be many of these in the market. A lot of magical artefacts humans find on Earth are trash products thrown away by the demons and washed to the material plane by the river Styx.”

Wiser blinked and Coux sparkled. She smelled a huge business opportunity and Qin Yun smirked. ”Sounds like a good investment. What are the things that demons like? Perhaps we could form some sort of agreement for both parties to benefit?”

The clone smiled. ”Lord Baal understands that Zero is to become the next head of Half Moon village. Seeing that they are friends, I'm sure Lord Baal wouldn't pass up on such an opportunity. However, the villagers with no alliance and loyalties to the village do not have the right to negotiate any terms.”

The succubus froze. Qin Yun's smile dropped and Amaraline lowered her eyes.

”It's true that we have no affiliations to Half Moon village,” Wiser started. He put down the book and removed his glasses. ”However, we made the trip to Hell because we care deeply for him. It doesn't matter what Zero is. If he considers me a friend and accepts me despite my flaws I will do the same for him.”

The clone didn't speak. Instead, he studied the five guests in the room. ”We are demons. Words are contracts to us. Do you dare to swear that you will not betray Zero?”

Wiser did so without hesitation. ”I swear. If I were to lie, I will have my soul shredded in the abyss and cast into the void for eternity with no salvation.”

Amaraline jumped at the opportunity next. ”I swear on the eyes that Zero has given me that I will not betray him.”

Qin Yun, Sekkin and Coux made similar vows to forsake their humanity should they break the promise. As soon as the vows were made, there was a flash of light. Five scrolls materialised and they had to sign the contract with their blood. Qin Yun cautioned everyone to read through the contract before signing it as demons were known to be very crafty. Baal's clone didn't mind. In fact, he encouraged it.

After the magical scroll was signed, the body double grinned. With a wave of his hand, the scroll vanished and a symbol appeared on the back of everyone's left hand briefly before fading away.

”That is my covenant mark. In times of need, you can call upon me for assistance for a price. This mark is to protect you from other demons while you are in the abyss. Not even the other Demon Lords may harm you. It's also a pass that allows you to travel freely between Earth and Hell. Lastly, this is proof that you are under a faction in Zero's inner circle.”

”Zero's inner circle?” Coux raised a brow. She knew that Zero had a complicated background. However, she didn't think that the sweet and naive brunet was capable of forming an underground group.

Baal had to give it to her. The trader was sharp, as expected of Lilith's descendant. ”It's an inner circle created by Zero's trusted aide. We gave it the nickname of the Onion Union due to the complexity of the structure. Our sole mission is to assist Zero from the shadows and protect him for as long as we can. Zero's identity is top secret and only those loyal will know it. Needless to say, you will take this information to your grave and even then, you will tell no one.”

They gulped as Baal's clone explained in detail about Zero's existence, abilities and identity. When they heard about how Zero was given a blessing by each of the Great Gods and how the Great Gods worshipped him, they paled.

”Zero is both the creator and the destroyer of our multiverse. Yes, you might not know it before but there is more than one universe. Like how different planes exit, different dimensions exist on the same timeline. Don't ask me how this is possible, it is something only Isis understands. The person who contacted me to be part of the Great Zero Alliance is no other than Truen Zheng, Zero's assigned bodyguard and assistant.”