Chapter 79 - ARRANGEMENTS (1/2)

Luo Jingyi handed her passport to the woman at the counter. The latter checked and smiled with exuberance. ”Glad to have you onboard, Dr. Luo. Please follow me.”

Luo Jingyi felt something odd but went after the woman. They passed through a special channel and entered the aircraft. That question she had earlier was answered when the three of them were ushered to the first-class section. Two flight attendants bowed respectfully. ”Welcome aboard, Dr. Luo! The first-class section was reserved for you and your group.”

Nicolette shot her a questioning look. Luo Jingyi changed her flight at the last minute because of Nicolette and Assistant Wan.

”It was.” Luo Jingyi answered. She was surprised too.

”Did your hospital arrange it?”

”I don't think so.” It crossed her mind seconds ago, but Medlife wouldn't splurge like this.

”Well, whoever it was, I am thankful that be included. I guess my ordinary life will start tomorrow.” Nicolette happily sauntered in and chose her seat.

Upon occupying a seat and buckling her seatbelt, the flight attendant came forward and passed a bouquet to Luo Jingyi. Although feeling perplexed, she took it. She put the flowers against her nose, noticing the card nestled on them. She lifted it and opened it up.

There was a short note. It read:

Miss me? May your day be as bright as these flowers. Have a safe flight, darling! - YJH

”What does it say?” Nicolette suddenly appeared behind her and peeked. Luo Jingyi quickly hid the card, inserting it in the pocket of her cardigan. ”Secret admirer?” Nicolette teased, noting how red Luo Jingyi's cheeks were. ”I'll report you to Yun Jinghan.” She leaned closer to wrestle the note. She was very curious.

”It's from him.” She reigned Nicolette from jumping onto conclusions.

”Oh my gosh!” Nicolette placed two palms on her chest. ”You are so in love. You are blushing.”

Luo Jingyi touched her face. ”I'm not!”

”Yes, you are.” Nicolette continued teasing her. She was genuinely happy for Luo Jingyi. ”He knows his way to a woman's heart. You are making me so jealous. Are you sure he has no twin?”

Luo Jingyi gave an exaggerated eye roll at Nicolette's antics. ”Back to your seat.”

Laughing, Nicolette sashayed away and no longer bothered her. Luo Jingyi studied the flowers. Taking the note and rereading the content, she felt warm and fuzzy.


That feeling didn't last long, though. Disembarking from the plane, the three collected their luggage and made their way to the arrival area. The Director informed Luo Jingyi this morning that the hospital

Luo Jingyi was appalled. The heart balloons and the streamer in front of her were too much to take in. Especially the car, her face plastered on the side door. It was a grainy photo of the original during her med school days. There was a crowd that gathered and sang a welcome in unison. The melody was off. It was attracting too much attention that people formed halted and watched what was happening.

”If Yun Jinghan did this, I'm changing my mind about him.” Nicolette blurted out in amus.e.m.e.nt.

”They are from Medlife.” Assistant Wan said after she noticed some of them were wearing uniforms that belonged to Medlife University.