Chapter 54 - SHE WEPT (1/2)

”Good morning Dr. Luo.” Song Hia greeted chirpily while she made coffee in the kitchen.

”Morning,” Luo Jingyi grunted. In the past, she had no problems waking up even with only 2 hours of sleep but as of late, the lure to stay longer on the bed was getting stronger.

Luo Jingyi threw herself on the sofa and reached for the mug that her assistant set down on the glass table, giving her a glance over. She winced at the sight of the clashing colors of her clothes, noting that it was the second time that it happened this month.

Shaking her head, she reviewed her schedule holding the steaming cup of coffee.  She sipped it slowly, waiting to feel the surge of caffeine into her body. While she's free from hospital duties, there's a bunch of NLHC related matters she needed to accomplish.

”When did the schedule for the medical conference change?” With raised brows, she shot a question to Miss Song who returned to the kitchen.

Song Hia stilled and nervously looked at her direction. This particular medical conference was important to Dr. Luo. The changes were announced 4 weeks ago but she made an error putting it on the schedule. Albeit feeling edgy, she answered.

”Was there a reason for this?”

Song Hia breathed a sigh of relief when her boss didn't comment on her incompetence.

”The Medical Association's President put the change in motion when the Minister of Health gave the order.”

Luo Jingyi was silent. She was supposed to report for duty in Medlife next week. However, the changes with the conference dates meant she would have to delay it for another week. Or she could pass up her role in the conference like she always did for the last few years.

'You needed to go.' A voice urged her.

Deciding on that, Luo Jingyi committed in memory to call MedLife before the day ends and informed them.

When her eyes flew back to Song Hia, she propped down the mug on the table and sauntered to the kitchen.

”What are you making?”

Startled that she suddenly appeared on the side, her assistant jumped in fright.


Luo Jingyi patted her assistant on the shoulders and motioned her to sit in the dining room. Shoving her complaints down her throat, she did as told while Jingyi placed a skillet on the stovetop.

On her seat, Song Hia fidgeted while she watched Dr. Luo in the kitchen. At the same time, she tried to read what her boss was thinking at the moment. Song Hia wished she had the ability. The only thing she understood was — the quieter Dr. Luo was, the more trouble she was in.

Dr. Luo never tolerated mistakes. Song Hia perceived that when she was hired. Three weeks ago, she wrote the wrong value on the contract.  This inaccuracy led to New Life Healthcare lose millions. Yet, Dr. Luo never scolded her—yet.

Knowing the importance of this conference to her boss, she was really dead this time. Song Hia pursed her lips grimly. As time passed, the feeling of dread gnawed in her stomach.

A plate of food and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice was pushed to Song Hia's front, disrupting her musing.

”Join me for breakfast.” Luo Jingyi invited with a faint smile.

Song Hia glanced down, her heart panicking. 'Is this my last meal?'

Silence filled the room. Even if the food was delicious, Song Hia couldn't swallow it down.

”How long have you been my assistant?” Luo Jingyi broke the quietness and put her attention on her.

Song Hia cleared the lump in her throat to prepare herself to be roasted like a duck.  ”5 years.”

”That long already?”

Song Hia nodded nervously.

'Am I going to be fired?' She speculated grimly.

”You never made a single mistake since you worked for me. Is something bothering you?” Luo Jingyi crossed her arms.