Chapter 44 - WHAT IF SHE IS? (1/2)
”Who are you?” Luo Jingyi repeated the question impatiently and turned the woman around, pressing her face on the wall and tightening the hands she locked on the woman's back.
”Dr. Luo, I'm Mei Wan's best friend. I wanted to talk to you.”
The mention of her agent's name, Luo Jingyi released her, trusting her instincts that this woman meant no harm. If she would, why expose herself on her. There must be a reason she followed her around.
”Let's talk outside.” Luo Jingyi suggested and came out of the place. Following the exit signs, they found the backdoor which was probably only for staff use. They exited, breathing to the coolness of the night. They walked farther from the building and stood beneath the street lamp.
The woman put her hand behind to hide her nervousness. She hesitated to speak, unsure if she was doing the right thing. But she could no longer sit and wait till the days would pass like a blur. Moreover, her options had thin after losing her job. Her only choice was to seek help from Dr. Luo whom she heard a great deal from her best friend.
Finding her voice, she spoke starting from how she and Mei Wan met. Both of them moved to this city for one purpose - that was to find better job opportunities. After knowing that they were both orphaned at a young age, they promised to look after each other. One day, Mei Wan never came home. She called her office, went to the places she frequented and searched for her everywhere but there was nothing. Then, she went to the police and filed a missing person's report. Every time she checked for updates with the police, all they could tell her was their speculation which she found very odd. Because of her obsession to find her, she was fired and now, she's unable to land employment after then. No matter how hard she tried, every place she applied at would turn her away.
Luo Jingyi heard the sadness that was perceptible in the other woman's voice. It was croaky to the point that Luo Jingyi thought she was going to break down and sob.
Luo Jingyi let out a sympathetic frown. ”If it's already been reported, wait for the police to find her. What could you do that they couldn't?”
While she herself doesn't put her 100% trust on them, she would still follow the proper procedure. Law exists for a reason. It's to keep everything in order. Without it, there'll be chaos.
The woman looked away then back to Luo Jingyi. ”Dr. Luo, do you know how many people go missing each day? It's more than 200. If the numbers add up each day, how could there be enough people to search for them?”
She had a point. That's another reason Luo Jingyi was doing her own digging regarding her sister's case. Still, she didn't know why this woman purposely approached her.
”What makes you certain she didn't simply run away? Like the police said, maybe she eloped with a man or hid from her debtors.”
The woman shook her head vehemently. ”Mei Wan would never borrow that big amount because she is scared of owing people money after her parents were killed by loan sharks. Besides, it became our habit to tell each other what is happening in our lives, even small things. One time, she borrowed a phone from a stranger just to tell me where she was after her mobile phone ran out of battery. So, I don't believe she would leave without telling me.”
Seeing her unresponsive and seemingly unaffected, the woman continued. ”You probably have no idea how it feels to lose the only family you have in this world.”
'Wrong. I know exactly how that feels.' she retorted in her head. The other person's words evoked the pain she had long buried inside her. Simultaneously, they ebbed the remaining doubt and apprehension she had towards the woman.
”Why did you come to me?”
The woman removed something from her pocket and passed it to her. Luo Jingyi's eyes stilled on the photo that was definitely taken four years ago during a festival in Venice. She could discern her silhouette at the edge albeit the background being blurry. But that wasn't the issue. It was the woman on the foreground who the photographer focused the lens at.
Her chest tightened as she wracked her brain for a possible explanation. ”Where did you get this?”
Never realizing the change in her tone, the woman flipped the photo and showed her what was written on the back. ”I found it when I was cleaning up Mei wan's closet. It was tacked inside the pocket of her blazer. It has your name and number on the back. Do you know who the woman is?”
The woman bit her lip in anticipation as she waited for Luo Jingyi to respond. Seconds flitted past yet Luo Jingyi stayed mum. Her brain cells were still in the process of digesting the information that came to light.
The woman rushed forward, touched her arm and asked in excitement, ”You know who she is, right? Is she your sister? You looked very similar. Why did my best friend have your sister's photo?”
After sorting out matters in her head, Luo Jingyi sighed inwardly. Luo Jingyi unclasped the hand on her and faced the woman. ”Did you show this to anyone?”
”Then, don't tell anyone about it. In return, I will help you find her.” Luo Jingyi promised. She had no plan to do so in the beginning but with that single image, she changed her mind. It's far-fetched but maybe Mei Wan's disappearance was related to her sister's case.
The woman's eyes rounded and asked for confirmation. ”Really?”
Luo Jingyi dipped her chin to confirm. She noticed that relief passed the woman's face and with her hand, she wiped the tears on the side which were threatening to fall. The woman thanked her.
Luo Jingyi's response was, ”You must stop running around looking for her.”