Sometime later, Luo Jingyi was called to the study room. When she breezed inside the room, Aunt Alice and Aunt Eloisa were already seated.

Sinking onto the single sofa, Luo Jingyi speculated on the reasons the two wanted to discuss with her without the rest of the Lacroix.

”I've spoken to my mother's estate lawyer.” Aunt Alice started.

Listening to the first sentence, Luo Jingyi sense a headache was coming. She groaned inside her head.

Aunt Alice's mother bequeathed a substantial amount of money and properties to Luo Jingyi when she was passed away a year ago. Her other children, Aunt Alice's older brothers questioned the deceased woman's decision so they contested the will which eventually led to falling out between the siblings.

Luo Jingyi repeatedly refused the inheritance but Aunt Alice insisted on it. One, she was never the type to accept things freely. Two, she didn't want the strain—the dispute between the siblings—overwhelm Aunt Alice. The woman was stressed all the time because of it.  Thus, Luo Jingyi hired a lawyer to work on it. It was another thing she needed to sort out before leaving the city.

”There is no reason for you to disclaim the inheritance. Even before her death, she made me assure her that you will take them. So, could you take in my mother's heart into consideration?”

Sighing in her head, she deliberated carefully what to say in order not to hurt Aunt Alice.

”I'll think about.” she simply said. But her mind was already set on this. She made a mental note to call the lawyer and discuss it further.

Unease passed on Aunt Alice's face. Then, it was replaced with an upward curve on her lips yet it barely touched her eyes. Aunt Eloisa patted her sister's back and threw Luo Jingyi an approving smile, winking at the same time. Luo Jingyi mouthed 'thank you.' She was thankful that she was with her on this matter.

Because they seldom see each other, Luo Jingyi was pulled to the entertainment room by one of the younger cousins the minute she left the study room, intending to go downstairs to check up on Yun Jinghan.


Downstairs, Aunt Robert and Aunt Eloisa ganged up on Yun Jinghan to test his drinking ability. So Uncle Robert towed Yun Jinghan out to the deck with the ruse of discussing business along with a bottle of scotch. Later, Aunt Eloisa joined them and brought out the wine.

Uncle Robert and Aunt Eloisa were both drinkers so they assumed Yun Jinghan was going to be knocked out first. But because they realized they were quickly getting drunk while Yun Jinghan was still sober, they changed tactic. While Uncle Robert was distracting Yun Jinghan, Aunt Eloisa was pouring his half-empty glass to the brim. The two would exchange a happy look every time Yun Jinghan chugged down his drink. Unknown to them, Yun Jinghan sensed of their ploy in the beginning so he did the same, swapping the glasses.

'Underestimating opponents had led to the fall of dynasties.' He mused.

Realizing she was no match against him, Aunt Eloisa gave up and went to her room, wobbling on her steps. Yun Jinghan and Uncle Robert continued drinking.

Convincing everyone that she was happy and her relationship with Yun Jinghan was real, Luo Jingyi escaped their further quizzing in search of Yun Jinghan. On her way downstairs, she saw Aunt Eloisa, curled up on the floor.  She was drunk.  Pursing her lips, she asked one of the maids to help her.

After tucking Aunt Eloisa on the bed, Luo Jingyi went to the deck.  Uncle Robert was plopped on the wooden table, drunk too.

Falling onto the empty bottles strewn on the counter, her eyes went wild.

No wonder Uncle Robert and Aunt Eloisa were drunk despite their high alcohol tolerance.

Luo Jingyi suddenly recalled how she used to sneak into Robert's cellar and take his most prized liquor. When caught, they would share the bottle together,  along with Aunt Eloisa. This would sometimes infuriate Aunt Alice. But her anger was always towards the two but not on Luo Jingyi.

Shaking the distant memories away, she ambled to the side where Yun Jinghan was. He was resting lazily on the chair with cross arms. Sensing her around, he looked up at her with hazy eyes. He gave a lop-sided grin.

”So you want to marry me tomorrow?”

”No!” Came her immediate refusal which made him frown.

”I am handsome.  I have a house, a car, and money.  Am I such a bad-catch?”

”Tch.” Luo Jingyi smirked at him, inching closer at an arm's length and mumbled, ”I will not marry you.”

Unhappy of her answer, he reached for the bottle to give himself a drink but Jingyi grabbed it from his tight grasp. They played tug of war which resulted in the bottle plonking on the floor, shattering upon impact and spilling its content.