The sandstorm would start after the sun has set and would subside around midnight before it would rage again at dawn.
Senja knew this and she would take this advantage from this knowledge. She would get rid of Xiao Wang Wei.
Xiao Zi wouldn't have thought that he would taste his own medicine, his son only offered his life by coming there. It wouldn't be a surprise if Xiao Wang Wei knew the layout of the fortress and how many people there, Elder Zhong must have told Xiao Zi about the situation inside the fortress and how many people who would stand on guard there. Or else, he wouldn't only take two thousand men with him to attack a fortress.
”How you will sure about that?” Qianru asked Senja in confusion, she looked at the scattered white clouds in the bright blue sky and she couldn't see a slight sign of storm. ”It is bright outside…” She looked at Senja with puzzled look.
”The storm will come when the sun sets.” Senja said with confidence smile. ”Qianru, can you show me the things that I have asked for you to prepare?”
”Sure…” Qianru furrowed her brows and walked out of the room.
”The three of you come too.” She said.
As they bowed their head they followed a few step behind from Senja and Qianru.
”We will be attacked?” Qianru asked with worried on her pale face.
”No.” Senja shook her head. ”We will be the one who attack them.”
Upon hearing Senja's word, Qianru stopped her by grabbing her elbow. The three people behind them, stopped as well, giving them a space to talk.
”What do you meant? You will go out there to fight Xiao Wang Wei's troops?”
”Yes.” Senja nodded to emphasize her word. ”You don't need to worry about this Qianru, all you have to do is focus on your pregnancy. I will not let anything happen to you or your unborn child.” Not this time.
Senja placed her hands on the top of Qianru flat belly, at this time she should have been two months pregnant, but the bump still not visible to see yet.
”Senja, don't do that. They outnumbered us.” She began to panic.
”Don't worry. Trust me, everything will be alright.” Senja reassured her by stroking her arms.
”Senja…” She whimpered helplessly. ”It's dangerous… let's get out from here. We still have enough time to escape.”
”No, Qianru. It is the rare opportunity to take down Xiao Zi and ended his bloodline.” The purple hair girl's eyes shone brightly with the unfazed determination.
Qianru had been living surrounded by those stubborn people, Xiao Jun and Xiao Tianyao was a good example. So, when she watched Senja's eyes, she knew there was nothing could make her think the otherwise.
”You have to be careful.” Qianru said with troubled expression. ”I will not forgive myself if something happen to you because you are trying to protect me.”