A long time passed and the golden ray of the sun could be seen in the east, the two girls were spent and motionless, lying on the grass.
Wang Yu's dead body had been taken away by the Shadow Warrior, both Senjas didn't know and didn't care where they had taken him, while the teenagers had been secured somewhere else.
”What are you going to do with the teenagers?” Senja tilted her head and looked at the girl beside her.
”Those kids will be fine after the effect of the medicine that had been fed to them wear off. I will bring them with me.”
Actually, their plan to lure Wang Yu to come wasn't only to kill him. Due to his personality, they knew that he would bring them out as well.
Those teenagers would be used to fight against Xiao Jun in the war, hence, to lose them and Wang Yu, would be a great blow for Modama's side.
”After I settle the matter, I will catch up with you.” She said, giving a big smile at Senja.
”Alright. I will be waiting for you.” Senja grinned and stood up, she dusted the grass on her clothes before reached out her hand to help the other girl stood up as well. ”Thank you for what you have done. In the end he is still your father.” Senja grimaced.
However, she shook her head, ”No, he is no longer my father since he killed grandfather.”
It was only elder Dam who had treated her well, even thought he was not always around, but it was only him that she thought as a family, hence the moment she knew her grandfather was killed by him, she couldn't accept it.
Gong Xu and she didn't want to involve in the power struggle anymore, but it was an exception.
She wanted to fight them! Those people who had made her life miserable!
The Emperor.
Her stepmother and her daughters.
Her father.
They have to pay for what they had done.
”I will convince Gong Xu to come.” She said, extended her arms for hug.
”Alright. Wait news from me…” Senja hugged her back tightly. ”I will go first.”
With that, they let go each other and smiled contentedly.
This wasn't a goodbye, with the war was brewing around them, they would meet again in the battlefield.