Remarkably, the other Senja knew the safest path toward the Mountain Sui Sword Sect. They didn't meet a single human at all along their journey for seven days straight.

At this time, Senja had gotten used to ride a horse for a long period of time, so she has only a little bit complaint about how enthusiastic the other Senja was.

Along the seven days journey they only stop when the sun had set, made the campfire and cuddled together until the sun rose again.

Outside would think about them as twin with different hair color, secretly, both of them treated the other as one as they grew closer. Senja had never had a sister while the other Senja couldn't call Rindi and Hikari with that tittle either.

”We are here.” She told Senja with satisfied grinned.

”This…” Senja scrunched her nose when unpleasant memory jumped to the front fo her mind.

”The ravine when we fell.” She finished her word.

Right now they were sitting atop of their horses at the edge of the ravine.

”So? The Shadow Warrior is here?” Sonja shivered when she dismounted her horse and peeked at the bottom of the ravine. It was amazing that she could survive this height.

”They save us when we fell off this ravine.” She explained while darted her gaze around her.

”They did?”

She nodded. ”Or else, how do you think we could survive?”

**With some magic.** Sonja thought to herself, it was at that time that grandma Riana rushed her to find Yun, but in the end, it was Yun who found her.

”What are you looking for?” Senja asked when she watched the other Senja was sweeping her gaze at their surrounding.

And without answer Sonja's question, she walked to the middle of the vast plains, Senja followed her closely while tugging their horses.

In the middle of the clearing, the strong wind blew past them, fluttering their hair and clothes. The rich golden color from the sun which almost kissed the horizon bathed both of the girls bodies, made them looked surreal. Despite their faces were similar to each other, but the aura that exuded from them have its own charm.

With fair and slender fingers, the other Senja pulled out the small red pouch from her pocket. Slowly but fearlessly, she put the translucent token on her lips, as though she was savouring the cold stone on her skin, the other Senja closed her eyes calmly.

A little while later, a melodious sound was soaring from the small item on her lips that made Senja widened her eyes in amazement.