Senja didn't believe with what she was seeing in front of her right now. She had never thought she would meet Yun here, honestly speaking, she almost forgot about him.

It sounded stupid, but her mind was too occupied with the thought of Xiao Tianyao and the possibility to meet grandma Riana again, since she was coming back three days prior of time.

So, to meet Yun here was out of her calculation.

Yun still has smiled on his lips when he watched Senja's reaction. The girl before his eyes covered her mouth to muffle her scream. Her shock expression was very clear to see.

Except her hair color and low spirited self, she didn't change much from the last time he saw her.

Behind Senja, her mother trudged toward them, she was the exact older version of Senja and Yun knew right away from where Senja had a habit to color her hair when he saw Senja's mother azure hair.

Yun nodded politely at Senja's mother which she reciprocated in the same way. Walking past her petrified daughter, she put a bouquet of flower on the beautifully decorated tomb and waving her hand at Senja to draw her attention.

Senja approached her mother and Yun sluggishly before she knelt beside the last resting place of Grandma Riana and pray for her.

It was very quiet and tranquil. The south wind blew the hem of their clothes and fluttered their hairs, today was a sunny day, the perfect day to start with a smile, like the same day when she left Xiao Tianyao at the tent.

The weather simply teased them.

After the solemn prayer, her mother retreated to give Senja and Yun space to talk with each other. From the story that Senja told her and the way she reacted, she knew that she had made a right decision to drag her depress daughter here.

She smiled politely at Yun and walked away. ”I will be in the car.”

Senja nodded gratefully at her mother before she faced Yun.

”You can start asking me questions.” Yun said while sitting on the grass and patted the space beside him, tell her to sit there.

Senja complied and sat down, crossing her legs. ”Give me a moment… I need to gather my mind…”

Yun chuckled lightly. ”Well, let me talk first then.”

”Yes, please.”

”First I want to thank you. Because of you I am able to meet with Riana again.” He started, but Senja mumbled with regret.

”You just spend three days with her, what are you thanking me for?”

She glanced at Yun, it was strange to see him in modern attire, but it fit him perfectly. He looked like a wise old man in his fifty. His white hair was cut short and his body was still robust. He dressed in black polo shirt, black pants and seemed comfortable on them.

Within three days, he was very adaptable for someone who came from ancient time.

It was a pity that Yun only had three days to be with Riana, despite he had waited for a long time.