489 HOME (1/2)

**Cannot touch

Cannot hold

Cannot be together

Cannot love

Cannot kiss

Cannot have each other

Must be strong,

And we must let go

Cannot say

What our hearts must know

How can I not love you

What do I tell my heart

When do I not want you

Here in my arms

How does one waltz away

From all the memories

How do I not miss you

When you are gone**

Joy Enriquez was singing from the cellphone near her ears.

Senja didn't feel the hard ground of the cave or the supposed dirt around her, instead she felt the comfortable of the bed and the soft pillow under her head.

She felt disoriented, but not dizzy enough to forget everything that had happened. The hollow in her heart still refused to close, as if it would always be like that…

Her heart tightened by the pressure of the memories about him that flooding in her mind…

The way he smiled…

The way he protected her…

The way he touched her…

And the last 'thank you' from him…

It's still echoed in her mind.

Suddenly she heard a shrill scream filled with agony. The sound was so heart wrenching and ear- deafening.

Only when someone yanked open the door with so much forces, Senja realized it was her own voice.

”Senja! What is going on?!”

The familiar voice that she missed… the familiar protectiveness of her brother…

”Sian, what happened to her!?”

Following after Sian, there was Lee and Zhao rushed into her room.

”I don't know…” Sian hugged the crying mess Senja, caressed her back hastily to calm her down.

Based on the sound of their footstep, Lee and Zhao were shuffling inside the room, checking every corner and windows. But, they could find nothing, there wasn't anything out of ordinary or possible harm.