477 TRAPPED (1/2)
No one knew about Senja ability except Xiao Tianyao, Xiao Jun and Yang Yu. Yoda knew about it as well, but no one aware that he knew as Senja never told anyone.
Even Uncle Su was taken aback by this revelation. He looked back and forth between the Elder and the three people in front of him.
”She is a mind controller?” Uncle Su asked in disbelief, unfortunately, no one answered his question as they were busy glaring into each other eyes.
After a minute of tense atmosphere, finally the elder gave an eerie chuckled and at the same time the sound of something heavy dropped to the ground.
It was like a heavy curtain closed the entire palace hall, trapped them inside.
The whole place dimmed due to lack of light and noisy voice could be heard from the outside. Xiao Jun's troops and Xiao Tianyao's Crescent Moon Members were trying to bust down the thing that caged them, however from the sound of it, they had having hard time to damage it.
Forgetting about his question, Uncle Su trotted slowly toward Xiao Tianyao and Senja's side as well as Xiao Jun.
The three men had unsheathed their sword with solemn face etched on their feature, ready for everything that would unfold.
They positioned Senja in the middle, protected from any harm that would come.
”You are the traitor.” Xiao Jun said accusingly his eyes hardened by the thought how much he trusted him. He was a close friend of Elder Dam, the last person that would betray him.
”Jun. No hurt feeling.” The Elder talked in mocking tone. ”I admired your courage because you and your brother managed to live until this day under the pressure of Xiao Zi.”
As he was talking there were many people emerged from the dark and the vibe that they gave off instantly recognized by Senja.
She tugged Xiao Tianyao sleeves, but it wasn't necessary as he already aware of their presence.
”How long have you enslaved yourself to Xiao Zi!?” Xiao Tianyao seethed.
Senja looked around her and realized that all of this had been set up from the beginning, hence when she saw Xiao Zi stirred awake she had expected it.
Slowly and gracefully, Xiao Zi unconscious body moved and stood up, facing the small group in the middle of the palace hall. He raised his hand to wipe the remaining blood from his lips with his sleeves as he let out an eerie chuckled that echoed creepily inside the closed room.
”Surprised?” Xiao Zi asked with mirth dancing in his eyes.
The dimly room turned cold and full of tension. The atmosphere was so thick and heavy it almost suffocating.
Senja could sense the strong feeling of betrayal from Xiao Tianyao and Xiao Jun in the other hand Uncle Su stood closed to Senja left side as he was very alert with their surrounding and Xiao Zi.
”Like I told you my dear nephew, you can't dethrone me! I will always be the Emperor of Azura! Not even my pathetic brother could take this away from me.” Xiao Zi laughed heartily.
And like on cue all the emotionless teenagers who were surrounding them moved simultaneously and attacked Senja's small group.
Swiftly, Xiao Tianyao grabbed Senja's waist and put her behind him while he barred the attacked from three teenagers in the same time.
Xiao Jun and Uncle Su did the same with their attacker, from what their movement, it was clear to see that they were trying to keep their attacked less fatal, still hesitant to kill those innocent people.
Their choice to not kill them led a spiteful comment from Xiao Zi.
He bellowed in his hoarse voice that sounded disgusting. ”Seriously? Do you still hold back to not kill them in this kind of situation?”