”No… No…” Xiao Tianyao whimpered in his unconsciousness, his body trembling violently and trashing on the bed he laid down.
He kept apologizing, but the thing that broke Senja the most was when he started crying, he cried his heart out. It was like nothing was matter anymore for him.
Not even his pride.
With the tears of her own, Senja stroke his cheeks, wiped away the streaming tears from his closed eyes that seemed wouldn't stop.
Her touch stirred him awake, he snapped his eyes opened, disoriented but continued sobbing. His body still trembling, he looked very vulnerable at the moment, like a simple touch would shatter him into thousands pieces.
The image of Xiao Tianyao right now was breaking Senja's heart. She felt his sadness, sorrow, guilty, remorse and many emotions that mixed together.
Finally, Xiao Tianyao's eyes locked on Senja. His eyes were still in haze, as if there was a misty cloud surrounded his vision.
He opened his mouth and with croaked voice he asked. ”Luna… is that you?” His voice was laced with hope like his life was depending on Senja's answer.
His first question shattered Senja's soul, she bit down her lips to prevent her sobbing slipped away as she answered with tremble voice.
”I am not Luna.” She felt her heart was being stabbed harshly. ”I am Senja…”
Senja bit down her lips tightly as she felt the metallic taste on her mouth, but Xiao Tianyao's reaction was all it took to devastate her broken heart.
”Senja…?” He asked with confusion at first, but when seemingly the reality hit him and his eyes becoming more focus on the sight of the girl who was sitting on the edge of the bed. His expression turned into… disappointment.
He was disappointed to see … Senja?
Senja tried to blink back her tears, but his expression still etched with disappointment for seeing her.