Senja was sitting absentmindedly on the edge of her bed.
Tianyao's words echoed in her mind again and again, she couldn't get rid the images of him when he was looking at her disdainfully, or the hostility in his eyes, or the way he mocked her.
**He was confused.**
Senja kept chanting the same words this past two hours, trying to justify his reaction. But, she couldn't find assurance in her own words.
A tear trickled down from her face again that she brushed away harshly.
**He shouldn't have said those words…” She whimpered. **He shouldn't have looked at me in that way…**
Another tears.
”Ugh! Annoying!” Senja grumbled while trying to stop her tears from pouring down.
A knock on the door demanding her attention, but Senja wasn't in the mood to meet anyone, thus she just let it be.
However, as if the knocker was truly dumb, they didn't heed her implicit rejection. As time passed, the knock sound became banging on her door. It almost like if Senja still decided to not open the door they would bust it down.
Irritated. She stood up from her bed and trudge toward the door and opened it.
The moment the door had wide opened. Uncle Su's face popped out.
”I don't want to talk with you.” Senja said tiredly and was about to close the door right on Uncle Su's face, but he moved faster and held the handle of the door before Senja locked it.
”I am not coming to talk.” He said with his usual grin.
”So what for?” Senja was still trying to push back the door, but Uncle Su holding it tightly.
”This.” He lifted the medicine box and an ice block.
Uncle Su saw her swelling wrist when Xiao Tianyao yanked her over earlier. But, Senja was very stubborn and wanted to be left alone for now.
”Come on, let me in.” Uncle Su pushed the door.
”No!” Senja tried to push it back with her body, but he overpowered her easily.
With one strong push, the door opened. Senja almost fell backward because of his action. Lucky her, she could manage to find her balance before she hurt her butt as well.
”Come on, sit here. I will treat your swelling wrist.” Uncle Su had sat on the coach nearby and put down all the things that he had brought over. ”Put this ice first.”
Begrudgingly, Senja stomped over toward him and sat on the opposite direction of him. She looked uninterested in what Uncle Su was doing at the moment.
He was wrapping the ice block inside a towel and folded it before he gave it to Senja. ”Put this on your wrist.” He ordered her.
Her wrist was like burning as blotch purple and blue had made appearance.
Senja snatched it from his hand and put it on her swelling wrist. The cold sensation soothed the soreness and she let out internal sigh gratefully.
”He shouldn't treat you like that.” Uncle Su said after Senja felt comfortable.
”You shouldn't call my name.” Senja retorted. ”You said it yourself that I am not allow to mention anything about you in front of Tianyao.”
Senja was angry with Uncle Su, because of that. Xiao Tianyao had been on edge with her since she stood up for Gong Xu.
All in all, Xiao Jun put all the truth about Luna before his eyes. It was terrifying things if Senja could say.
If she were him, she wouldn't receive it calmly either. Being manipulated all this time and lived up the false revenge wasn't something nice, no matter how it was conveyed.
Senja knew that, but it didn't make her heart stop feeling pain.