The prospect to go home months ago was very excited her, but now Senja wasn't sure about what she would do if she met with Yun.

”You are Senja that he has been looking for…” The other Senja stepped out from her shelter behind Gong Xu.

She looked a little bit comfortable now with Senja's presence.

After many staring and examining each other, they could see the different between them. Even twin would have something different from one another, let alone Senja and her. They were not a twin and didn't have blood related.

”I have been looking for him as well.” Senja make another step closer until they were facing each other. ”Can I… meet him?” She asked with unsure tone, made the same request like Xiao Jun.

The other Senja in front of her tilted her head and looked at Gong Xu, asking for his permission.

”We will meet him in the other side of the mountain, with them.” Gong Xu waved his hand toward the children inside the cages.

Xiao Jun gave another glanced at them before resumed to stare at Gong Xu with all seriousness etched on his face.

”What is my master planning to do with them?” He asked coldly. Still didn't like the fact that he meet him, but it was worthy enough because he was able to know where his master whereabouts.

”For that, you need to ask him by yourself. I don't think I could decide for this whether I should tell you or not.” Gong Xu replied.

Xiao Jun gave him a curt nod and started to walk toward the cages, he drew his sword and with one strong slashing motion from his sword, the padlock drop to the ground.

It was like tacit understanding between the four of them, as Senja, Xiao Jun and Gong Xu started to unlocked the cages, the other Senja gathered all the children and told them to stay quite that fortunately they obeyed her order.

There were ten cages there and it didn't take a long time before they evacuated every child and gathered them together.

The ten teenagers, with expression that devoid from any emotion guarded the youngster.

”What is happening with them?” Xiao Jun inquired the expressionless teenagers.

They were definitely not Modama's people as well as Gong Xu and Senja. Xiao Jun didn't know what happened with them, but it seemed Gong Xu broke ties with his father. Like Luna did.

Moreover, since they were under Ye Xiu order, no matter what, his master would never cooperate with Modama. That was one thing that Xiao Jun sure about.

”You can ask your master when you meet him.” Gong Xu said as he turned around, his back facing Xiao Jun.