377 GREAT PLAN (1/2)
”Were they Xiao Wang Wei's Golden Arrow Archer?” Senja asked as she swept her gaze to the dead body around her.
”We need to go from here,” Xiao Tianyao put back his sword on the scabbard and grabbed Senja's hand. ”Someone had been following us…” He muttered.
That was the only explanation how the Golden Arrow Archer could reach them, however it wasn't make sense for Senja, because she couldn't sense anything out of place since their first day leaving The Greenhill Mountain.
Xiao Tianyao didn't rush when he ushered them both out from the inn.
At the outside, people were still working and the new visitors were still flooding the lobby of the inn, oblivious by the dead body inside one of the room upstairs.
However, the moment Senja stepped his feet on the crowded, all the people snapped their head toward her direction and Senja didn't need to think what had been wrong.
Her hair, her peculiar purple tresses hair was on the display, she forgot to cover it and Xiao Tianyao didn't bother with it. He tightened his grip on Senja's wrist and made his way passed all the onlookers who was starting buzzing about his woman's hair color.
Xiao Tianyao was as calm as ever.
Senja didn't mind to be the center of attention, however Xiao Tianyao very calm reaction was another question for her. Normally, he would make a fuss over her hair, but now he didn't say a word when every eyes on the lobby obviously gawked at the sight of Senja.
There must be some plan brewed inside his mind. It was the only reason that she could think and usually she guessed it right.
Of course, Xiao Tianyao thought something about this.
Someone had been following them without their knowing, the only thing that they needed to do now was to distract their attention toward the wrong direction.
In another point, it was a good thing that Xiao Wang Wei decided to attack them tonight before they could reach the Mountain Sui Sword Sect.
Or else, he would know where they would be going and it wouldn't do any good for Xiao Tianyao and Xiao Jun arrangement.
Xiao Tianyao vigilantly swept his eyes around him, looking for another threat when they walked into the stables and retrieved their horse.
He hoisted Senja on the paddle.
”My horse there…” Senja pointed his brown horse at the opposite direction.
However, without explanation Xiao Tianya mounted the same horse as he brought them out from the stables. Wading through the night, he secured Senja between his arms and wrapped her body in his cloak.
”Someone after us…” Senja said in low voice among the wind that howling around them. She adjusted her sitting position and grabbed the paddle beneath her, Xiao Tianyao strong arms helped her to steady herself on the bouncing horse.
”I know.” Xiao Tianyao nodded.