”Who said I will be the one who will kill him?” Wuxing retorted her word. ”You will do it for me…” He gave a sinister smile on her.

”You are out of your mind!”

Concubine Qi tried to stand up and ran away, but the white hair man pushed her down roughly as Concubine Qi fell on her back.

She whimpered because her elbow was skidding on the harsh ground, it would leave a bruised for sure.

When the white hair man held Concubine Qi's chin and the anger on her eyes were shifted. Out of the blue the mist from before was cascading again and made Senja's vision was turning blurry.

Senja closed her eyes as she felt the same sensation. The gravity seemed didn't work on her when she felt her soul flew away.

Senja was opening her eyes by the piercing screamed from someone near her. It was Concubine Qi who was screaming on the top of her lung. She startled, because as soon as she opened her eyes, the terror on Concubine Qi's expression was very clear to see.

Her mouth gapped opened as she shouted at Senja, she grabbed her tightly, until she felt her hands were turning numb by the sensation.

The teenage girl dashed toward the backyard when she heard Concubine Qi's voice.

”What happened?” Her panic voice was the third things that Senja's realize before she wriggled her hand from Concubine Qi tight gripped. ”What happened to her?” Her voice sounded like she wanted to cry.

Senja glanced at her and noted that she was too terrified to handle this as the girl stood petrified on the side and only kept repeating the same question over and over again.

The girl small figure started shaking and she sucked her tears.

Senja didn't have a choice except to calm Concubine Qi down. She grabbed her hand again and put the necessary pressure on it.

Gradually, Concubine Qi's screaming was ceased down.

”Come here,” Senja beckoned the girl. ”Help me to bring her inside.” She said.

The scared girl looked at Senja blankly and didn't any move to help her, even when Senja had gotten up from the bench she still petrified.

”Hey! Help me!” Senja groaned because she wasn't possible to carry the grown up woman by herself.

Only after Senja called her for the third time, she seemed to regain her consciousness as she approached Senja hastily and helped her by supporting Concubine Qi another side of her body.

Together, both of them made their way inside the house and walked slowly along the hallway before they could lay her down on her own room.

Breathlessly Senja stretched her body, it was a good thing that her wounded has healed, or else it would start bleeding again.

”Wh… what happened?” The girl stammered. Still couldn't get rid of the shrilled screamed from earlier.

Senja feign innocent when she answered her. ”I don't know, suddenly she had an outburst. I didn't do anything...”

Concubine Qi was laid on her bed while staring at the ceiling, she murmured something incoherent as a tears roll down on the corner of her eyes.

Senja sat down on the nearest wooden chair and recalled what she had saw from Concubine Qi's memories.

She was sure that was a fragment from the last thing that had happened before she lost her mind. Now after she saw that all there were two things that she could conclude.

First, it was most likely Qi Xunyi wasn't the last heir of the Kingdom of Xinghe Dynasty. The way Concubine Qi talked to him and with the mentioned of 'your father' it proved that Wuxing was one of The Emperor of Xinghe's son. It seemed not only Misty Cloud Clan had succeeded to ruin that whole Kingdom but they also got an alliance.

**However, where was Wuxing now? After he allied himself with Misty Cloud Clan, he should be alive by now, right?** Senja kept staring at Concubine Qi who was laying on the bed.

The girl had tucked her in and lulled her to sleep.

Second, the actuality that Concubine Qi was the one who had killed the Emperor of Xinghe under hypnosis was irrefutable fact.

The questions that left from it was… **Who was the white hair man?** He was capable enough to use his ability to force Concubine Qi to kill the Emperor. The mind controller people was supposed to be dead and gone years ago…

**But, wait…** Senja lowered her head as she was thinking about Luna. **If the mind controller had been dead, Luna supposed to be didn't exist in the first place…**

The only possibility, there was another mind controller who has still survived.

That thought made Senja cringed and the uncomfortable feeling churned her stomach. Another mind controller still survived somewhere. It didn't sound good since he used the ability to kill people.

And there was something that the white hair man concerned… Black Sword Clan.