362 QI XUNYIs PLACE (1/2)
Senja and Sheng ended up walked toward Qi Xunyi's place. After they asked around and no one knew or saw Uncle Su or Xun, Sheng concluded for them to visit Qi Xunyi instead because he was rarely going outside if it wasn't concern his presence.
The houses in Greenhill Mountain were almost like the same with one and another, although Qi Xunyi was literary has higher rank in this place, but even his place wasn't different from the rest.
”Sheng, I wonder.” Senja started her question when Sheng had pointed Qi Xunyi house at the end of the road.
”What is it?” He looked down at Senja. No. To be exact he was looking Senja's hair again and again. Still curious to touch it because Senja didn't allow him to do so and he was, for Senja surprised, not touch her hair and keep his hand off.
”Are you sure that the Emperor wouldn't be able to find this place?” Senja a little bit confused, why up until now no one from the Azura's Kingdom came looking for her.
With the fact that Wang Yu's troops had fought Qi Xunyi and the rest of the Shadow Guard, they must be had some idea that Greenhill people involvement. But, why the Emperor didn't send his troops to take down this place?
”Of course the Emperor knew very well about this place.” Sheng said in the matter of fact tone.
Senja cocked her brows. ”And why they didn't come to get me? You know right, that I have a bounty over my head.” She pointed her head sarcastically that made Sheng laughed.
”Knowing this place and capable to enter, that are two different things.” He started to explain once he had got over his laugh.
”Mind to explain it?”
”The Greenhill Mountain is surrounded by poisonous plants. People couldn't enter our area arbitrarily without being poisoned.” He explained with proudness etched on his face.
”If that was the case, then how are you people could come and go as you please without being poisoned?”
”We have antidote of course.” Sheng looking at Senja incredulously, as though he was saying 'is that even a question?'
”I should know that you have…” Senja mumbled.
”Beside The Kingdom of Rockstone, we are Greenhill People actually quite prominent in acknowledgement of the poison plant.” He remarked.
When he said this they were standing in front of Qi Xunyi's place, however instead of knocking the door, Sheng was walking inside the house without permission.
Senja followed behind him as she was listening to Sheng explanation. ”You think you will be standing here if we don't?” He asked rhetorically. ”Wolf Bane is a rare poison plan and it goes with the antidote. If don't have the acknowledgement about this type of poison than you will have been gone by now.”
Senja grinned. ”So, without the antidote people from outside couldn't enter this place right?”
Senja and Sheng were walking down the hall when their conversation about the Greenhill Mountain was done and found Qi Xunyi was sitting on the bench with woman beside him.
Sheng was leaning on Senja when he whispered something. ”She is his mother.”
”Oh,” Senja only gave him a brief replied when she looked over.
The woman was wearing a yellow dress and her hair was tight in a big bun which rest on the back of her nape. She must be very beautiful when she was young, even now she still looked stunning in her ages, only the lack of liveliness on her eyes made her looked like someone who had gone through all the bitterness for years. She looked gloomy and torpid.
Senja and Sheng approached Qi Xunyi and his mother.
When both of them stepped closer, Qi Xunyi noticed them and raised his head. The smile that he gave off was the same like last time he visited Senja. He was a warmth person, as though nothing in this world could bother him.
Senja reciprocated his smile and sat on the bench across him with Sheng sat beside her.
”Is there anything that I can help you with?” Qi Xunyi asked Senja after there was silent between them.
However, Senja was staring at the woman beside Qi Xunyi without averted her eyes, it could be counted as a rude attitude.
Feeling a poked on her upper arms Senja looked at Sheng slowly. ”What?”
”What do you meant with 'what'?” Sheng grumbled. ”You wanted to talk about something with Qi Xunyi right?” He reminded her.
In an instant Senja snapped her head toward Qi Xunyi direction and felt her face redden. ”I am sorry, I didn't mean to staring at your mother like that. I know that was rude.” Senja apologized. But, she still stole a glance toward her, there was something on this woman that made Senja couldn't tear her eyes out of her and she didn't know why.