Senja nodded reluctantly as she grumbled in dissatisfied. ”I am a good girl.”
”We both know that you are far from that.” Xiao Tianyao chuckled when he heard her statement. ”I will go to meet your grandfather…” He straightened his body after he kissed the tip of Senja's nose.
”Annoying…” Senja was mouthing behind his back as she looked at him opened the handle of the door.
And then three things happened almost simultaneously. Senja felt the familiar feeling of someone that she knew very well and she shouted at Xiao Tianyao to do not open the door, however it was too late.
Xiao Tianyao opened the door and revealed Elder Dam's figure behind it. The Elder froze when he saw who had opened it when he was about to knock.
Shock was evidence on his face as he pointed Xiao Tianyao's face and Senja direction. His mouth gapped open as though he wanted to say something, but failed miserably to find the right words to say.
In the other hand Xiao Tianyao also didn't have any idea about Elder Dam presence. He was startled a bit, but then turned to his calm self.
Finally, when Elder Dam found his voice, he lashed out his exasperation. ”What were you doing inside my granddaughter's room!?”
Senja stumbled on her attempt to get off from the bed and ran toward the door. She stood beside Xiao Tianyao while trying to calm her grandfather.
”Grandfather, it's not like what do you think, we just… spent the night…” Senja trailed off her last words in her effort to try to explain their situation. But then realized, Xiao Tianyao and her situation were so ambiguous.
”Spent the night!?” Elder Dam voice increased a few octaves.
When Senja was wrecking her brain to give the furious Elder in front of her a better explanation, Xiao Tianyao chose that right moment to open his mouth and made the situation worse.
”Grandfather, we have been married by you, so there is nothing wrong for me to spend the night with my wife. Right?” Xiao Tianyao said in the matter of fact tone.
His statement left Senja and Elder Dam were aghast.
**How he could say something like that!? Man! If you couldn't say something good, much better to not say anything.** Senja chided Xiao Tianyao in her thought.
Meanwhile for Elder Dam, Xiao Tianyao declaration was more like an affirmation for his suspicion. Elder Dam pointed his shaky finger at Xiao Tianyao who was happened walked past him nonchalantly.