The moment Xiao Jun was about to slit Senja's throat, Senja parried his moved by her dagger that she had kept under her pillow. Her eyes opened wide, she shot an angry looked on him.
”I don't believe it.” Senja said in dangerous low voice. ”After all I have told you, you still don't believe me.”
Senja raised her leg and kicked Xiao Jun away that made him moved a step back. He kept his calm, even so there was slightly relief that he felt that he had a reason to not kill her, yet.
The killing intent and Xiao Jun disoriented mind were very strong that Senja was awoken by those feelings. She had felt his hesitant, but a moment later, his killing intent get the best out of him. Hence, Senja decided to stop pretending to be asleep.
”I have my own reason.” Xiao Jun said, putting down his dagger.
”I would like to hear it if you don't mind.” Senja replied sarcastically, the dagger was still in ready position in her hands. ”You tried to kill me after what I said to you, I thought we are in good term.”
”You can put aside your dagger.” Xiao Jun suggested upon looking Senja became so edgy and defensive.
”And you can kill me in the next second?” Senja scoffed. ”No, thanks. I like to keep my dagger in this way.”
Senja got off from the bed, gripped her dagger and circle him, she padded slowly and put the door behind her back, in case something happened and she needed a quick escape.
”That is Tianyao's dagger.” Xiao Jun gave unnecessary comment in the time like that. He kept his eyes on the girl in front of him who keep few meters away from him. ”Tianyao taught you how to fight?”
”That is none of your business.” Senja said sharply.
Xiao Jun gave her another contemplating looked before he put aside his own dagger and sat calmly. ”Don't you want to know what is going on outside?”
”I want to know why did you want to kill me?” Senja demanded.
”It's connected.”
Senja didn't reply his statement and only gestured him to continue.
”Don't you know that the Emperor has issued an order right after you killed all of those officials in the Black Sword Clan?” Xiao Jun inquired.
”It wasn't only me who killed them.” Senja tried to justify her action. ”Besides, Wang Yu will kill me if I went with him.”
”I don't know if I can trust your words”
Senja rolled her eyes, ”You think I can trust you after you tried to slit my throat?”
”Very fair.” Xiao Jun chuckled. His usual carefree nature appeared. Afterwards, he adjusted his expression as he informed her. ”The Emperor had issued an order to detain you, but he also granted permission to kill you on the spot if you disobey.”
”So, that is why you wanted to kill me…” Senja stated sharply.