313 THREE DAYS FROM NOW edited (1/2)

In the pavilion.

Elder Dam had been waiting for them. As the former Chief Commander of the Kingdom of Azura, he sat with dignity on the wooden chair. At the sight of Xiao Tianyao and Senja walking in together, his eyes lit up as a wide grin appeared on his old face.

”Sit here my child.” He said cheerfully after he pulled Senja into a bone-crushing hug.

After her grandfather released her, Senja noticed the intimidating General. He was nothing but a burly man with authority. His stoic face showed nothing except coldness even when he was hugging Senja, there was no warmth in it. Even though he was hugging his long-lost daughter, the only words that he said were…

”I am relieved that you are here now with us.” Wang Yu said plainly.


”What happened to your hair?”

Only while asking this did Senja find Wang Yu very sincere in his words.

Senja shook her head, ”I don't know father.”

”I heard you lost your memory, is that right?” His question was most like an interrogation to Senja's ears.

Senja drew up a fake sad face, ”Yes father.”

He nodded, ”Father is sorry to hear that.”

**Hypocritic bastard…** Senja grumbled in her heart even though her face displayed a sweet smile. Well, when it came to such things, she too was a hypocrite.

Senja could sense his bewilderment towards her. It was almost like he wasn't even a bit happy to see his daughter. However, she couldn't put a finger on what was bothering him.

Elder Dam let Senja sit on his right while Xiao Tianyao sat on Senja's right side, flanking the purple girl in on both sides.

Senja loved it when all the people she liked were around her. At least in this era, Xiao Tianyao and grandfather were two persons that she was most fond of.