264 WHERE IS YUN? (1/1)

”I know that you knew how Xiao Tianyao's feeling for you. He won't say it, but I believe you are able to read it fine and clear. That was one of the ability of mind controller.” Xiao Jun continued.

Senja looked at the man in front of her, deep in thought as she analyzed him. Xiao Jun was as calm as Xiao Tianyao, but his calmness was slightly different from his brother. If Senja didn't have this ability, she would find it difficult to assess this guy intention. Was he a friend or a foe?

With the smiling face he hid his emotion well. But, actually he wasn't an antagonize character. He just stated his stand point in unique way that a dense person would overlook it and thought he was all nice, when in fact, he was a cunning personality.

One more thing that Senja could sense from him was his care for his brother wasn't a pretenses. Xiao Jun cherished Xiao Tianyao, and Senja didn't doubt it.

In the other side, Xiao Tianyao's calmness was calm before a storm. He would let his enemy did as they please and attacked them with a fatal blow. Because Senja couldn't sense his emotion, she didn't know how he felt.

Senja sighed. She just wanted to find Yun as soon as possible. ”Actually, I couldn't sense Prince Xiao Tianyao emotion. I don't know why, but something blocked me from it.” She said truthfully.

Xiao Jun tilted his head. ”What you mean with you can't?”

Senja shrugged her shoulder. ”I have to feel your emotion to be able to perform hypnotized, but I feel nothing from him. Put it simple, if I have to hypnotize him, I wouldn't be able to do that.”

Xiao Jun fell in deep thought as he kept silent while he lowered his head.

”Prince Xiao Jun. You wanted to tell me about the stone in my possession this evening. Can we continue this topic please?” Senja was very eager to bring this topic up again.

Xiao Jun raised his head and looked at Senja seriously. ”62 Years ago, my grandfather led his troops to hunt down all mind controllers and killed all of them. Because, with their power they had high potential to bring calamity to the whole continent, they could make the whole Kingdom fought with each other to conquer them or fought with each other because of they used their power to conquer us.”

”Was that so horrible?” Senja looked very concerned with this.

”2 Kingdom had been destroyed at that time because they used their power. My late grandfather told me long story of it, but I think this information is enough for you to be able to imagine how chaotic that period of time and how danger the mind controller were.” Xiao Jun halted. ”The stone in your possession is their heirlooms. They called it The Stone Paradox of Time. It last seen in The Kingdom of Xinghe territory before Azura had conquered it.”

Senja felt dizzy by this information. What the hell with all of this! She didn't do anything except looking for Yun in order to go back home, but she got tangled up with this messy mind controller things and mysterious Senja identity.

Senja covered her face in distressed. ”Can you tell me where is Yun? I want to go home.” She mumbled between her fingers.

Xiao Jun chuckled when he looked at Senja's reaction. As it turned out she didn't have any idea with all of this mind controller history and just casually used her ability without thinking the consequences would be so dire for her.

”Can I disappoint you one more time?” Xiao Jun said merrily.