235 SO SCARE! (1/1)
”Xiao Tianyao!!!” Senja screamed in fear and ducked down her body while raising both of her hands to defend herself, she knew it was useless move. She would get her hand cut instead. But, what else she could do? She has nothing to protect her.
When Senja had prepared herself for the excruciating pain, she heard the man in front of her growled in anguish and eerily gurgled. Not long after that, the loud sound of his body tumbling on the ground was heard.
Senja gulped down with difficulty and lower her hand that covered her head only to see the same man who want to stab her before already died in sorry conditions.
A sword stuck on his throat, penetrating from his nape to the other side of his neck. The view of it was totally dreadful.
Senja covered her mouth to muffle her scream. Her head abruptly darted to Xiao Tianyao who was still facing his enemies without sword.
Xiao Tianyao had thrown his sword without a second thought the moment he saw her predicament situation and risk himself to fight without a weapon.
Senja who saw Xiao Tianyao fight with bare hand knew that she has to give back the sword to him. She didn't know yet how to deliver the sword, but the first thing she need to do was to pull the sword from the man's neck.
With the thought that she needed to approach the dead body, her body trembled. It was scary enough to see his condition from aside not to mention Senja had to approach him and pulled the sword from his bloody neck, even now, blood still gushing out from the piercing wound…
It was stressful! Even chanting her favorite food didn't help at all. But, considering that Xiao Tianyao would get hurt because he fought without sword and it was due to help her. Senja gritted her teeth and steel her heart.
It was like pulled out a fork from a roasted chicken! She deceived herself. But, from any angle the dead man didn't look like a chicken at all.
Ugh! I don't want to eat chicken anymore! Senja was wailing in her heart when she threw away the cloak and pushed herself from the ground to crawl with her limbs and approach the man.
Senja swear, she had never seen anything more horror than this. With shaking hand Senja reached the hilt of the sword on the man nape.
Tear was on the verge of her eyes. She bit down her lips, but couldn't feel the pain. Her fear intimidated her. Especially when she moved the sword slightly and the body jolted along with the burst of blood pouring out again.
”Aarrghh!” She was dreadful when the dead body jerked.
Huhuhu… I want to go home!
Xiao Tianyao alerted when he heard Senja screaming and he saw the girl was trembling in her attempt to pull the sword. He only saw her back, but it was enough to know how scare she was.
Even so, the girl with purple hair still pushed herself to pull out the sword. Xiao Tianyao almost could hear Senja soft sobbing among the clashing sword.
”I can't pull the sword!” Senja grunted agitatedly. Whether it was because her hand trembling violently or because the sword stuck too deep, no matter how much strength she used the sword didn't budge. It upset her!
There was no reply from Xiao Tianyao. Nonetheless, Senja still tried when she felt someone was scooped her by her waist. She startled and wriggled her body to escaped from the stranger strong arms when she heard him speak and instantly made Senja stop her effort to fight.
”Forget it.” Xiao Tianyao pulled Senja into his arms again and pulled his sword without difficulty with a single attempt.