210 FENG CHANG (1/2)

The occasion yesterday made him roam his brain to give her a piece of his mind and all of that wouldn't end up good. But, as good as his plan none had made him willing to apply it to her.

In the end, Xiao Tianyao concluded, it wasn't necessary for him and such a waste of time to think about that matter. That was what he thought to justify his reluctance.

And here he was. Continued to challenge himself to prove that he didn't care even a bit about her.

Senja greeted her grandfather and Xiao Tianyao with bright smile as always as Elder Dam gave her a big bear hug.

”I heard Commander Xiao call me.” Senja said languidly as she sat on the couch across Xiao Tianyao.

However, it was Elder Dam who answered Senja. ”Because your guard couldn't do the job properly that caused your identity was revealed, Tianyao thought about something and grandfather very agreed about that.”

Automatically Senja's brows furrowed. She shot a look at the man in front of her that didn't give any reaction as uneasy feeling crept in her heart.

What this?

Whatever it was, it must be up to no good. Just yesterday he was so furious to Senja and now he come up with an idea? Who wouldn't be suspicious about his true intention?

”What is it?” Senja asked carefully, but couldn't hide her wary.

”The young guard with you the night your identity was revealed, originally he was only low rank soldier. He wasn't up to standard.”

”Grandfather means Yoda?”

”Yes, him. He will be sent back to the Head Quarter Eastern Fortress, because he couldn't carry out his task properly…”