His wound wasn't too deep. Still it needed medicine to avoid infection. Senja remembered that she didn't have any medicine, so she simply got clean clothes to stop the bleeding and bandaged it.

”I don't have any medicine and it is impossible for me to ask one, they would be suspicious of me. Xiao Tianyao still has doubts that I feign my amnesia and he was totally right about it. It is only you who knew that I am not the real Senja.” She finished bandaged the wound while talking to divert Uncle Su attention from the topic that had triggered him.

Uncle Su raised his bandaged left hand into his eyes level as his eyebrows scrunched. ”Ugly.” He said with a bitter tone.

”I am sorry if it's ugly. You want me to make a ribbon and put it on top of your bandaged arm?” Senja talked in sarcasm. Yet, Uncle Su ignored her.

”How you did it?”

”Did what?”

”Calm me down.”

”I told you to calm down.” She muttered innocently.

Uncle Su shook his head. ”I had problem with my temper since 6 years ago.”

”I can see that. I thought only your personality has problem as it turned out, your temper also not good.” Senja sneered to avoid answering his real question.

”I was a good person.” Uncle Su said sullenly. He was pretty calm now.

”You are a good person.” Senja rephrase it and was certain with this. She knew. Something must had happened in the past that caused him like this. Maybe trauma? People with PTSD have different reaction after all.

”You want to talk about your family?” Senja asked carefully.

”Maybe another time.” Uncle Su shook his head and looked more clear-minded than before.

”Fine.” Senja didn't probe him further.