Great! First, he said that he knew 'Senja's secret', then he agreed easily to find Yun and now he claimed that he knew the original of her stone! If Senja was an impostor then he must be a swindler!
Senja glanced tiredly to the two bodies on the ground. What should I do with them?
Suddenly she had an urged to cry. That swindler only brought trouble! Nothing else!
On the dining table, Senja was munching her dinner attentively. She didn't even raise her head when Elder Dam continued to fill her bowl and devoured almost all the food on the table.
There were four people around the table; Senja, Prince Xiao Wu Xie who was sitting next to Prince Xiao Tianyao and Elder Dam next to her. Three of them had put their bowl down.
Senja didn't pay attention about it, although in manner she should end her meal as well when the three of them have finished, but because Elder Dam continued to fill her bowl Senja could care less.
She needed to replenish her energy, when Uncle Su left he had leaved two unconscious Shadow Guards inside Senja's room. In order to avoided a big fuss and got a lot of question that she couldn't answer. Senja didn't have another choice except performed hypnosis. It was the first time she did it to two people simultaneously, although the result wasn't bad but it left her very tired.
The three of them continued to talk about other matter lightly while sipping their tea.
”Second Cousin Brother, is you not supposed to be in District 3 to meet Leader Mo?” Xiao Wu Xie asked Xiao Tianyao beside him.
”Lieutenant Utara is meeting him” Xiao Tianyao answered calmly.
”Yes, I went to District 3 but didn't see you there. Regarding L Clan matter I have send people to fetch Sana, I am sure she will be able to decipher the secret letter. Second Cousin Brother's people surely very reliable to be able get their missive” His praised was full with sugar coat.
As it turned, their meeting last night was talked about this secret letter matter. Originally, Xiao Wu Xie came to District 3 to give Xiao Tianyao hard time when he retrieved news from an agent about Q City rebellion, however when he had arrived, he didn't see Xiao Tianyao and instead it was Utara who came.