”This is the only advantages to be slaves in official household. You can accidentally hear some news. Not only that, since the Emperor open the gate easily for outside people, many strangers come here from different nation and settled. Those people who brought the idea of harem. Some upper high officials in the capital city have adopted that idea. Now, there are many brothel open and they coerced women to be their concubine”

”If the culture doesn't allow to takes more than one woman as wife, why they can force women to be their concubine?”

”The culture wasn't written on the stone. It never has been official. So there are no rules for this matter. As for women, if they are from upper social status, of course they can refuse it. However, initially the official has higher status in Azura and some women are come from other kingdom who had settled, that their former kingdom had adopted harem culture”

”Social status? Are the Official status one level below the imperial family?”

”No. they are the Fourth class” He cast a glance towards Senja who listen attentively two steps away from him. ”You know nothing about this class's status?”

Senja shook her head. And lamented softly ”I have an amnesia, remember…?” This word of 'amnesia' became common word to be Senja excuses.

”Oke. I will explain it. So the first class of course the imperial family. They are who has closer bloodline with The Emperor held the higher status in this Nation.

Second is the Warrior. They were the higher up in the military or headsman from respected clan. Like elder Dam from black sword clan.

Third is physician, many people wanted to be physician, however, it very difficult to be the renowned one. Even if it is only one of your family members who is physician but all of your family can brag about that.

Fourth are the officials. From minister down to Village head for their respected area

Fifth are the traders, entrepreneurs and artist for entertaining an event. And the last was slave. We are on the bottom of society”

Senja nodded her head trying to digest all the information she got.

”Actually there is one more class and it class didn't take any of the classify class”

”What is that?”

”It distinctive class”

”What kind of person inside this class?”

”Hmm… I am not quite sure about that because it has been disappeared long time ago”

”Disappeared? What happen?”