Along the hunted time, many soldiers from Azura side were shot down.

Seeing his men was shot down one by one Utara's eyes darkened and his face turned red from the anger he was holding inside.

”They are near.” Senja whispered to him.

”Who?” Utara asked confused.

”The reinforcement.”

His expression turned shocked. How she know? Is she just blurted out? ”Are you sure?”

Senja firmly nodded her head.

”How you know?” He still not quite sure with Senja's words.

”They are coming.”

And right after that, a thousand soldiers was charging toward them from behind the hill. They were going berserk, completed with their armor, swords and spear.

Azura's archeries were on the second line while their arrow shot right through the pursuers' vital body. Many enemies fell to the ground, this made them retreat unwillingly.

Upon seeing the table was turned to their victory and also the reinforcements there to saved the day, all the Azura's soldiers got down from the trees. Join their comrades to chase after their chaser before.

Utara and Senja also got down from the trees, when both of them touch the ground Senja already couldn't stand up properly, thus Utara kept holding on her waist.

One of the men among the army hastily walked towards Utara and knelt down before his eyes.

”Lieutenant Utara. Apologize for my tardiness.” He said without even dare to raising his face.

Right in that time Senja slumped onto Utara's embraced because of the excessive feeling she felt.