A few hundred meter from the battle field.
Senja and Yoda sneaked in armory store. That place really messed up. There were not many things in there. It seemed all the soldiers had emptied out the store.
”You have less than five minutes to find it. After that, find it or not we need to get out of here.” Yoda warned her while anxiously looked at Zodasian's army that eventually made their way in with steady speed.
”Undestood.” Senja said and fold her sleeves.
There was around twenty barrel there. She started rummaging all the barrels, turned upside down the already messed store.
She was anxiously looked onto the bottom of the barrel, without enough lighting, it just made it worst. Not to mention she didn't know exactly what she was looking for. She was scolding herself thousand times for her negligence.
Yoda help her, however nothing much he could do since Senja just gave him a little description. She just told him that 'the thing' she was looking for was taking a shaped like small stone, she even didn't mention the color. So he tried to help her blindly and gave every stone he found for Senja to look.
”Watch out!!” Yoda grabbed her wrist and pulled her hard.
Both of them were falling into the barrel, but because she fell on Yoda's body it minimilized the after impact.
”Are you okey?” Yoda asked Senja out of concerned.
She nodded dizzily then gazed to the spot she was stood before and saw two arrow stuck on the ground.
”We need to go now.” Yoda gritted his teeth and help Senja to stand up.
”Wait… I am not yet…”
But before she finished her sentence Yoda roared in anger.