Zee stopped on his track with his sword in ready position. They stared at each other menacingly.

Seeing this cold war with no one initiated any moved, and after assessing Zee's mood that the other party wouldnt attack and Yoda that determined to not yield. Senja sighed in relieved.

But, because she still felt discontent plus the feeling of being protected. She said smugly. ”Are you mad? Stay mad because I don't give a fuck to a mad dog!”

Yoda turn his head to the person behind him stiffly and mouthing with distressed expression. ”Stop it.” He almost got down on his knee to plead her. My lady, don't you see our situation now? Could you stop provoke this hot-blooded person? His temper's length was just as long as chopstick. Stop tip him off.

However it like Senja didn't see Yoda's distressed gesture or she just simply ignored it, she added. ”I remember now!” She exclaimed full of revelation ”You are the one who kicked me in the Captain tent!”

Zee smirked. ”Yes, it was me. Should I kick you again, so you will never forget?”

”No need.” Senja shook her head. ”I always remember someone who owes me until I get my payback…”

Yoda felt like he was going insane.

”Stop it! I can't afford to have a fight with him” He whispered through his gritted teeth that only Senja could hear.

Senja glanced at Yoda and said loudly her last pieces. ”…with interest.”

Seeing Zee would go berserk, they could see nothing was worth it that would come out, with that thought, Rian and Adi step forward to calm him down.

Yoda still on his ready position, prepared for the worst.

But the worst wasn't come from Zee. Suddenly, there was a sound of beating drum noisily that put all people in alarm. The group of three didn't bother to spare Senja a glanced before they rushed to the main gate direction.

”What happen? What that sound?”

Yoda expression turned pale. ”We are being attack.”

Okey. This is worst.

She never thought that one day she would experience this sort of thing. How stupid she was when naively she thought this situation was quite excited in the time she saw it on movie or read it.

Bloody hell! What excited?! It is wrecking my nerve!