Chapter 555 - The Shield (1/2)

When Rhys said those words directly, Lyn did not know how to respond. She somehow managed to slip away since Allen appeared needing Rhys for something. But she knew if she went back to her room, then Rhys would go there too. So she went to a place where he would least expect her. The place she just arrived at was her younger sister Shaaryas's area. Due to her younger sibling being away, Lyn knew that there would be nobody there. Sure enough, there was not a soul in sight.

There is another reason why she came here.

Her gaze fell on the large tree in the center of the yard. It was an unusual tree with silver-colored leaves, and yet Lyn found it beautiful.


Where could she have gotten to? 'Alright, here is your first task. Take care of the Princess and help cheer her up'. He did indeed notice that there was something odd about the girl's behavior. But he didn't think that she would end up leaving the room like that without saying a word to anyone. Nao-san said that the Princess was seen heading out here, and so did the other guards nearby. But he still hasn't found a single trace of her.

”The silver tree.”

Teo glanced in the direction of the voice to find a girl with short lilac hair standing there. ”Princess Lyn is by the silver tree. If you walk a little further down this lane, you'll get there.”

”Thank you, whoever you are.”

Teo dashed to the area.

That's right, and he had noticed it since the meeting how there seemed to be something odd and peculiar about the girl's behavior. He thought it was just because she was tired from her academy trip. But that's not what it was. He saw a dark gaze in her eyes and how she seemed to hesitate when she put the earring on him.

Teo closed his eyes, that's right, she was the same that time too. Even after such a long time, that look of darkness has never left her gaze; in fact, he felt that it got worse as more time passed by.

After walking down for a little while, he found the Princess by the huge tree-like the girl from earlier described.

A silver tree.

How unusual, scientifically speaking, it isn't possible at all. However, if things like powers can exist within this world, then a mere color seems rather superficial to call unusual. The Princess stood at the bottom of the tree, and she had her palm pressed at the center.

Even before he accepted this job, he often watched the Princess whenever he saw her. Due to her situation, it was difficult to see her, but when he did, he observed.

That's why he knew that she isn't as strong as most people make her out to be. Indeed even if she is carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders, it doesn't change the fact that she's a normal girl. He spotted in the corner of the girl's eyelids a single tear, that's right. Even the strongest of people can shed tears and cry, and it was something he knew all too well.

”I'm sorry, Kazuya; even now, it seems like I'm hopeless without you. Even if I tell myself to be strong, it's no good. I still find myself breaking down. I'm lonely. Without you, I can't handle anything. Kazuya, please come back.”