Chapter 506 - Guard down (1/2)
Lyn nodded. ”I thought Rhys would save me. But I guess things don't always work out like I fairytales.”
She watched as the corner of her brother's eyes twitched, and Lyn sighed. ”Did you see Rhys by any chance?”
”I did actually. I saw him following you until a few moments ago.”
Until a few moments ago?
Zepher chuckled. ”I saw him in the arms of another woman. Are you interested?”
At that comment, her gaze turned cloudy. So those rumors are right after all? Rhys is still meeting with that woman? Lyn thought she could stop them from meeting one another, but it turns out that is not the case here.
Her thoughts broke off when Zepher grabbed hold of her wrist and started walking off. Lyn quickly realized where they were heading.
”Brother, I told you we didn't have to follow them!” Lyn exclaimed.
”I just want you to see what kind of man the guy you chose is. Besides, this wouldn't be the first time that he has been unloyal to you.”
Lyn sighed when she heard those words. ”I already know that.” Despite what it would seem like she already knew. ”Rhys does not think I am serious about him. He thinks I am only using him until I resolve whatever issues I have with Kazuya.”
At the start, it might have been exactly like that. But now things are different. She genuinely wants to be in a proper relationship with him. It seems like they are still off to a rocky start if he is still meeting with other women.
”Besides as long as he--” Lyn sentence fell short when she saw Rhys not too far from where they were. He was indeed with another woman. But she froze when she saw how intimate they were. Rhys was kissing the exposed part of the woman's shoulder.
”Rhys-sama, nngh, let's go inside already.”
”I am happy that you're keeping me company today. I apologize again for my selfish request.”
”Mmm, it isn't selfish at all. I keep neglecting you recently.”
His endearing expression, his gentle voice and
Lyn turned away and started to walk off, but Zepher's grip on her wrist tightened. ”How could you live with that man if you cannot accept his true colors? Lyn, you are no longer a child. Accept what is right before you.”
”Then, you do the same,” Lyn exclaimed back. She could no longer hold back her anger. Since earlier, she wanted to say this, but she held it back. ”What makes you think you can say all this stuff about me? What gives you the right to intervene in my business?”
Zephers' gaze dimed. ”I see, it seems like the moment you left my side you learned to talk back. It looks to me I will have to teach you all over again what it means to disobey me.”
At that comment, bloody images flashed through her head and that room with no windows. She shuddered at the thought. Back then, she did not get a chance to say this to him, but... ”Are you threatening me to stay with you?”
Why is this man so possessive and frightening? Could it be this is the reason why her first brother behaved that way -- her thoughts broke off when she felt a sharp dagger pierce through her back.
Blood spluttered from her mouth in seconds.