Chapter 479 - A lifetime (2/2)

He raised his eyebrows, amused. ”You found Princess lessons boring?”

Lyn nodded. ”It was dull for me! I mean, do you need to learn how to play the koto, dance, brewing tea, and all that? What use is all that stuff in the middle of the battlefield?”

Indeed, he had a similar thought when he investigated her before. She spent so much time and effort on pointless things. None of those lessons would help her become a ruler.

”But I supposed I ended up being grateful for being a princess. I mean, if I didn't I wouldn't have met Lady Penelope. For me, that meeting was once in a lifetime”.

A lifetime huh? It is a good thing that the other party is a woman; otherwise, he would end up with bitter emotions.

She is really something, though, saying such lines easily. Only she would be capable of that. But if that woman went through all that trouble of training her, then he wondered why she didn't ask the girl to join her group? It puzzled him.

Unless it was because of that incident? Nobody should ask someone to join after experiencing something traumatizing like that. Penelope, too has had her fair share of bad experiences, with all that stuff that went on. However, those painful experiences helped shape who she is today. If that incident didn't happen, then her talent would be buried forever.

If that happened then, he probably wouldn't have got to know her.

If she joined that woman, then none of this would have happened.

None of these encounters would have occurred. He pauses in mid-thought, huh? Is that why she's never tried to become famous herself? can't be...? If it were like that, then that would mean that Lyn could see the future. If magic like that existed, then she would be used over and over again. How many people would crave to have that power? How many would try to kidnap her just to obtain it? It is even more dangerous than her healing power.

Should he ask her just to confirm?

”But anyway, did you come here to look at the flowers? They've stopped blooming here. It's a real shame since I came here to look at them.”

Rhys shook his head. ”Not these ones. Right now, I know a spot where peach blossoms are blooming.”

”Peach trees?”

Rhys nodded, and a sudden thought came to mind. This would be considered romantic, right? He debated in his head for a few minutes before he made his mind up. ”Once we both came to look at flowers. Let's look at them together, Lyn.”

Judging from how clingy she was when she saw him and how she clung to him. Rhys did not expect anything other than a yes from her, so when she refused. His eyes twitched in annoyance. Is she messing with me again?