Chapter 458 - I cant do anything (1/2)


Lyn took a moment before she replied. ”Just because.” Two simple words that didn't really answer his question. But she knew Rhys wouldn't question her. Indeed Rhys responded by brushing his lips against hers.

A content sigh passed her lips. It felt comfortable. She didn't understand what this was. But it felt nice, 'this was for the best.' If she remained with Kazuya and things progressed this way with Rhys. It would only hurt him. However this feeling, is it okay?

'It's wrong.' Somewhere in the back of her mind. Lyn knew all of this was wrong. Yet, she reached over and ran her hands through his hair as he kissed her passionately once again. A passionate kiss, sweet words of love. Any girl should be satisfied with this. However, Lyn knew something was missing. Even if Rhys can fill the gap in her heart, and the emptiness. This feeling won't last long.

After kissing for a few minutes, Rhys pulled away from her and sat up. He gently brushed the strands of hair away from her face. ”I will make you something to eat. Just stay here.”

Lyn somehow nodded her head. It seems like kissing Rhys intently was a very bad idea. Her entire body ached from the fight earlier.

He reached over with his free hand to touch her forehead, ”Are you feeling unwell?”.

”N---no I'm just…a bit tired…

Just tiredness  huh… Clearly it was a lie. That fight from earlier wore her out. However, Rhys doesn't need to know that. Her thoughts broke off when he brushed his fingers against her lips. The sensation of his fingers on her lips made her feel strange. For a moment Lyn looked away, but she quickly glanced to see his expression.

Concern and worry flashed through his eyes.

”Your lips look pale and your cheeks are cold,” Rhys commented. He looked her up and down, ”Are you injured somewhere?”

Lyn laughed lightly, ” Aha…you found out? I was cold.”

Rhys pulled her into his arms, covering them both with a blanket, ”You'll be warm if we do this no?”

”Are we natural disaster survivors? Why don't we use the heating?”

”I'm not sure. Though it is in an abandoned location. There is another blanket over there but you're going to have to get it.”

As he said that though, a large thundering sound was heard. Lyn brought herself closer to him. ”Ah, but you can't move.”

”Gee. Your supposed to be the gentleman and get the other blanket,” Lyn mumbled.

”Hmm, but you know I can't leave either.”

Lyn sighed, ”I don't like this either. But I'll put up with it. It's true that it's pretty warm anyway.” This warmth is different than the one she felt when she is around Kazuya. However, there is something comforting about it.

”That so? It's too bad you can't be cute and just admit that it's comfortable in my arms.”