Chapter 427 - For now (1/2)


No sooner did Kazuya and him reach the carriage however, did the man sprint away. Kazuya reacted first and ran after him while Rhys quickly inspected the carriage. Rhys immediately found what he was looking for. It was a small shaped diamond like box that was glowing brightly. 'So, it's like what the reports say.' Still, Rhys looked back at Lyn who stood not too far from them.

If Lyn knew what those rumors meant about this item. Would she do something careless? Rhys didn't want to risk it, so he quickly hid it away. Right as he did that he hears her dainty footsteps.

”Where did Kazuya go?” Lyn mumbled.

”He rushed of.”

Lyn sighed, ”Alright, can you take me home instead?”


It seems like Lyn didn't see what happened, that's good for him. For now she does not need to know.


Following morning -

He said though he did not actually know the answer, he had a hunch that this woman might have had something to do with it.


”And now this time round your going to execute me over such a petty matter? With no evidence at all? Last nights casualties weren't my fault at all. If anything I'm the one who saved the majority of the people there. Before I became a member you never knew anything about my life. Not my skills, abilities, hardsh.i.p.s and the burden I had to carry. So I really don't want you to be lecturing me right now.”

”Shut up, don't you know that I'm --”

Elsa was cut of by a huge gust of wind, that came from the teal coloured haired boy who patiently sat at the side.

”Alright, alright now, that's enough, there's no use arguing ourselves. We have more pressing matters to attend to. Princess Lyn is being targeted again, must mean that those people will be making their moves soon. When that happens cooperation amongst ourselves is best, otherwise une-cessary deaths will happen,”

Rhys knew knew he wouldn't be able to argue with that logic. It was already enough of a mess with what happened last year too. Tsk, Rhys looked away. He shifted about uncomfortably.

Causing the teal coloured boy to chuckle, ” Well at least we know that at least I can discipline you,” Diego said amused.

”Don't say useless stuff.”

But that probably is the truth. The only reason why he's actually been obeying orders from these people in the first place is because of Diego. Rhys doesn't understand why he does it himself. However he supposed ever since their meeting that time, he felt the need to do so. After all Rhys felt that Diego is crucial to everything happening in the Empire.


Once the meeting ended, Diego and him exited the room quickly. Rhys walked down the halls at great speed. Yet Adrian managed to keep up with him. Rhys didn't mind too much, he wanted to speak to someone about what he was thinking right now.

He deeply sighed and didn't hesitate to voice his thoughts, ” That old lady. I'll curse her next time.”